Wealth of Will Kris Szlauko Begin each break of a new morning with the desire to invigorate all that is good and peaceful. Count your blessings and act upon their ever-exciting influence on those around you. Hold close in your mind and spirit that which inspires what you can do, and look to all that…
Category: September 2022
Clubs & Classes, September 2022
Desert Navy Update
Richard Volpe As we move forward toward the Labor Day weekend and leave the summer months behind, we can all look ahead to the good weather we’ve been waiting for, a lot of new faces coming into the area, and so many new opportunities for all to enjoy everything that this great state has to…
Clubs & Classes, September 2022
Desert Artists Club News

Sue Sindelar The Desert Artists Club (DAC) enjoyed a social gathering in August where longtime members met new artists who have joined the club. We shared delicious treats and visits with friends. It was a nice break in the heat of the summer. We will be having another social and “Share Your Art” gathering this…
Generals, September 2022
U.S. Military History
U.S. Flag Folding—Part 1 of 2 Ross Dunfee While not officially adopting a flag at the time of the Declaration of Independence, the “Continental Colors” (aka the “Grand Union” flag), has historically been referred to as the first national flag of the United States. That flag has a striking resemblance to the British East India…
Clubs & Classes, September 2022
Desert Threads Will Meet Wednesday, September 14
Generals, September 2022
Attention IronOaks New Homeowners
Judith Gahide, Chair, IronOaks Welcome Group You are eligible for: Free round of golf for two Free month at our Fitness Center Free month of tennis and pickleball BOGO meal at Stone & Barrel or Grill on the Green All you need to do is call the IronOaks Welcome Group, c/o Howard Lundgren, at 480-369-2015 or email him…
Generals, September 2022
The Wildcat Jazz Band

Helen Daley Imagine (which, by the way, is part of the theme for special sets at the Arizona Classic Jazz Festival, Nov. 3-6) you are an accomplished, professional guitarist, banjoist, ukulelist, and the leader of the popular Arizona Wildcat Jazz Band and you wanted to bring more excitement to your music. What might you do?…
Clubs & Classes, September 2022
Welcome Back, Sew-N-Sews Members
Clubs & Classes, September 2022
Garden Club September 20 Meeting

Deina Burnes is the City of Chandler Water Conservation Coordinator. She is also a Master Gardener and SmartScape graduate. She also holds the titles of Certified Cross Connection Control Specialist and Water Auditor! Deina will show Sun Lakes and Chandler residents how to use the “online Residential Water-Use Calculator” to identify where and how to…
Front Page, September 2022
Thursday Night Drop-in Tennis Open to Everyone

Penny Petersen Drop-in tennis at Cottonwood on Thursday nights is now open to non-members and even people who don’t live in Sun Lakes. This is a new program to encourage people to participate. The Thursday night drop-in has been going on for many years, but it was only open to those attending the Monday night…