Essential Oils and the 50+ community

  JoAnne Gaudioso “I’m 71, and it’s much too late in my life for me to think about using essential oils.” Those were my words four years ago when my daughter-in-law suggested I try some essential oils for immune support. A three-time cancer survivor, my immune system had been greatly compromised. I was constantly getting…

Bridge Results

  Monday Afternoon Social Partnership Bridge 1/22. 1st Joe and Joan Silver, 2nd Joe Sanchez and Char Dangle, 3rd Nancy Smith and Dan Rosler; Slam: Pat Schindele and Phil Hansen (2 Slams) 1/29. 1st Joe and Fae Rosen, 2nd Ron and Mary Kent, 3rd Jeanette Newman and Jeanie Kitzman; Slam: Jeanette Newman and Jeanie Kitzman…

Arizona Blankets 4 Kids

  Mac Davey Sun Lakes Quilting Ladies, a small group of dedicated sewers, have delivered over 4,700 quilts for Arizona Blankets 4 Kids since starting in 2001. These quilts are distributed to seriously ill and traumatized children, along with very needy children. Very often, this blanket will be the first item a child has ever…

Interested in practicing Spanish?

  Dianne Zimmerman Come join our Advanced Conversational Spanish group. We welcome Spanish speakers to participate in our fun, friendly and lively meetings each Wednesday from 4:15-5:30 p.m. in the Ocotillo Room of the Arts and Crafts building at Oakwood Country Club. We discuss a wide variety of topics in an informal setting and assist…

Chair Yoga time change

  Noell Hyman New time! The Wednesday Chair Yoga class has been moved from 10:00 a.m. to noon. What should you expect from Chair Yoga, and who exactly would benefit from it? This class is great for anyone with injuries or illnesses that prevent you from many active forms of exercise, or anyone who has…