The Hot Spot

  Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions donate grill to AFMA/Sun Lakes Brian Curry. When the Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions Club heard that the Arizona Fire & Medical Authority/Sun Lakes station two was without a BBQ grill, they were happy to come to the “rescue” of the firefighters and medics of the district by donating a new…

SLWA news

  Ellie Clark Members of Sun Lakes Women’s Association were working big time during the Spring Garage Sale in SLCC. Some of our members were gracious enough to offer their properties for this purpose. It was our first attempt at this method of selling some of the wonderful items donated by so many of you.…

End of season for Cottonwood Lady Niners

  Lorri Morgan, Publicity Another fun season for the Cottonwood Lady Niners is coming to an end. April 12 was our Farewell Luncheon, held just before a lot of the snowbirds took flight. Along with a great lunch and lots of socializing, awards for the golf season were announced. Eden Carter presented Cathy Sullivan with…

Democratic Club notice

  Dolly Loftin The June meeting of the Sun Lakes Democratic Club will be held on Monday, June 11, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. The speakers will be Kathy Hoffman, Candidate for Arizona Superintendent of Public Education, and Brittany MacPherson, The #Fight4Her campaign. Refreshments will be served. Meetings are held the second Monday of each month…

Devorah Hadassah

  Susie Shapiro June Events: Savers Fundraiser – Thursday, June 14, 2018, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Bring your donations to the Savers on 1106 N. Arizona Avenue, Chandler, AZ. There will be Hadassah members there to assist you. Marston Theater at ASU – Wednesday, June 27, 2018, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cost is $10. Gallery tour with…