Cottonwood competition wraps up—but tennis goes on

  Penny Petersen The East West Tournament wrapped up the competitive season for Cottonwood Tennis Club, but tennis continues throughout the summer. Two days of East West competition was a nail-biter. East represents all tennis members who live east of Alma School Road. West is all those living west of Alma School. The score was…

Synergy at its best

  Elaine Kraemer, CWPV Foundation President There’s nothing more powerful than working together to achieve great results! The recent collaboration of our Cottonwood Palo Verde Foundation with the IronOaks Tennis Club is a prime example of this synergy. The IronOaks Tennis Club held its annual charity dinner dance on March 9, 2018. The event provided…

Field trips for Lifelong Learning

  Catherine Hammond On February 22, 2018, New Adventures in Learning, a lifelong-learning program, took a field trip to tour Intel’s dSpace. This outing was one of four offered for the spring semester. According to Mary and Rick Kenny, the organizers, “Staff from Intel’s Chandler Boulevard facility provided a tour of dSpace, which is Intel’s…

Tennis Couples enjoy game and friendship

  Penny Petersen What’s good for your heart, muscles and making friends? Tennis! In the Cottonwood Tennis Club, there are 28 couples who make tennis an enjoyable part of their lives together. We picked three and asked them about themselves. Horst and Dorothea Flachsmann came to Sun Lakes as snowbirds in 1997. They originally lived…

Are you out of your gourd?

  Doug Williams Well, we certainly hope not because this month’s Splash article features the exciting world of Gourd Art! Last month, we hinted, “How’s Your Gourd?” as a reminder that gourds were a part of our Creative Crafts department at the Sun Lakes Rock Gem & Silver Club. We actually have three very popular classes…

National Day Of Prayer May 3rd

  Jeanette Cline Chaplain Colonel Michael D. Sproul will be the guest speaker for the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 3, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. in the ballroom of SunBird Golf Resort, 6250 S. SunBird Blvd., Chandler. Chaplain Colonel Sproul is the Air National Guard Assistant to Command Chaplain United States Air Forces…