IronOaks Tennis Club recognizes 2017-2018 volunteers

Dave Wilcox The Tennis Club held its annual Awards Banquet in recognition of over 50 volunteers who provide the talent and energy enabling the many play, social, fundraising and membership promotion activities that distinguish this outstanding club. As volunteers gathered at the Poolside Cafe, the eveing began with an hour of wonderful background music provided…

Sun Lakes Tennis Club March Match-Up

Jerry Vance On March 17, everyone wore green as we had a tennis tournament on St. Patrick’s Day. The annual March Match-Up puts club members against each other to see who can win the most games in an hour. Twenty members had a great time in the sun and enjoyed great food also. Winners were…

OLNGA post playday results

  Molly Bergesen OLNGA Ladies played the Palms course on March 13. Winners were Flight 1: Cora Levensky and Bonnie Tasch, Joyce Parker and Pat Stead in second and Linda Liberti in third. Flight 2 had a three-way tie with Kathy Chebuhar, Judy Hedding and Mary Evans; Margaret Johns in second and Phyllis Madison and…

IMGA news and events

Bruce McCorkle Ironwood Club Champion and Super Senior Champion Well, the Club Champion Tournament is now history. Larry Horner was crowned IMGA Club Champion – for the second year in a row! However, John Chow gave Larry a run for his money. They were tied at 216 after three rounds… so the champion was determined…

IWLN news and scores

  Nancy Davis, Publicity On March 14, President Denise Fleshner conducted our General Meeting. Deborah Poropat presented the November/December, 2017, segment of the Ringer Awards to the following ladies (the number in parenthesis is their Ringer Score): Flight 1: Deb Burns (68), Linda Liberti (69), Sandy Krediet (71); Flight 2: Judy Thompson (78), Susan Meer…

Cottonwood Lady Niners hold event of the year!

Lorri Morgan, Publicity A Sea of Hats! The Cottonwood Niner’s did it again! The Member/Guest Tournament on March 8 was a huge success. My Fairway Lady was the theme, and almost all of the 140 golfers made an effort to wear an appropriate hat, and some had matching outfits as well. The standouts (and they…