Line Dancing with Judee

  Judee Curtis Sometimes “Life” gets in the way of “Fun.” We’ve had many dancers not able to come to classes at times, and the dance on Sunday, March 4. There have been many illnesses, loss of loved ones, injuries and major health issues. We can’t wait for the return of dancers, because we really…

Computer Booters hit home run

  Kc Coller, Publicity Director Computer Booters has waited over a year for the return of Ron Schott, a technology entrepreneur and President Emeritus with Arizona Technology Council, our guest speaker at the March general meeting. His last visit was most memorable, as was this one. Since his company serves Arizona’s premier trade association for…

In Passing

  Mary Eleanore (Simpson) Guliuzza Mary Eleanore (Simpson) Guliuzza, 80, of Sun Lakes, AZ, passed away February 21 surrounded by her children and her husband of 62 years, Frank Guliuzza, Jr. Mary was born January 13, 1938, in West Mansfield, OH, to Paul and Mary (Hansen) Simpson. In 1956, Mary married Frank Guliuzza and raised…

News From IronOaks at Sun Lakes

  Attn: New IronOaks homeowners Attention IronOaks New Homeowners – You are eligible for a FREE round of golf for two, FREE week of fitness, FREE week of tennis and BOGO meal at Stone & Barrel or Grill on the Green. All you have to do is call the IronOaks Welcome Group, c/o Howard Lundgren,…

Sew-N-Sews news

  Pat Kovarik Today’s message is a reminder to the members of Sew-N-Sews that April 11 is the date of our annual luncheon. We usually have this in May; however, we’re hoping that more of the members will be able to attend before “flying off” to cooler climates. Sign-up for the luncheon was at the…

Tumbleweed Ranch pollinator garden dedication April 27

  Mary Oester Weeders Garden Club is holding a dedication for a pollinator garden at Tumbleweed Ranch, 2250 S. McQueen Road in Chandler. The dedication will take place April 27 at 9:30 a.m. Weeders, a local garden club with members from many of the communities in the South East Valley, created the pollinator garden with…