Sun Lakes Writers’ Group

  Schnappe Ruby Regina Witcraft Not the most conventional topic but for some reason it interests me. Just so the right person gets the praise or, in my case, the dubious honor, a German fellow by the name of Albert Gremit, or something similar developed this palpable liquor. Probably while in a drunken stupor from…

CW Niners news

  Lorri Morgan, Publicity Golf, Fun and Food! The CW Lady Niner’s invited the CW 18’ers to play nine holes with us on February 1. That left plenty of time to eat on the Pro Shop patio afterwards. The weather was perfect, food was good and some new golf friendships were created. Some of our…

Age and indifference

  Rabbi Irwin Wiener, D.D. As we get older, we start to think about yesterday and maybe yesterday’s yesterday. In fact, our thoughts always focus on what was and not what is. That is, until something happens that makes us realize that today is here, the today that we dreamed about yesterday and maybe even…

CLGA news

  Mary Nelson Results of the CLGA Match Play tournament held in January: Flight 1: 1st Mary Lu Esget, 2nd Paddy Newton, 3rd (tie) Cathy Bass and Nadine Sanders; Flight 2: 1st Terry Gaube, 2nd Mary Anne Lofquist, 3rd (tie) Rachel Rainville and Kathryn Campbell; Flight 3: 1st Nancy Gahn, 2nd Judy Onken, 3rd (tie)…

Zumba with Mary

  Mary Tyree March is here, and it’s time to celebrate the wearing of the green! Let’s start the party and get ready for St. Patrick’s Day. Woohoo! Zumba® is your ticket for the most awesome workout ever. Move to great music with great people and burn a ton of calories without even realizing it.…