Tag: Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association

Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association

Judy Onken CLGA members are more than just pretty faces, and Gloria Combs and Sandy Worden are personifications of that fact. Gloria Combs has served in several roles that make the club work smoothly. Remarkable, however, is that she brings dedication and longevity to assignments taken. She served five years as Handicap Chairman and another…

Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association

Judy Onken Remember Bixbie? He was the golf ball who lived in my bag and played very erratically. His only redeeming feature was that he enjoyed the company of Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association members and was delighted each week to be part of fun and laughter and friendly competition. It is with deep sorrow that…

Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association

Judy Onken The new season is underway for the Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association (CLGA)! The first play date in November welcomed new and old members for a friendly scramble and a large number of members for “a sip and a bite” on the Cottonwood patio after the game. If you haven’t added the “afterglow” to…

Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association

Judy Onken It’s that time of year again when we can say goodbye to 110+ degree temperatures and hello to renewing friendships with folks who are returning to the best adult community in the US of A. The golf courses always look the nicest just before we cut them back for overseeding. Hats off to…

Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association

Judy Onken Hi! My name is Bixby. I live in a front pocket of a golf bag belonging to a lady who plays in the Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association. Yep, I’m a golf ball. Since November, 2022, I’ve been hit in the forehead, hooked, sliced, and, on occasion, hit smack dab solidly. It is not uncommon…

Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association Partners Champions

Judy Onken Our winners of the Member/Member Tournament this year are Pat Shouse and Rita Healy. Zara Logan contributed pictures of each twosome, which can be reviewed on the CLGA website. These two epitomize the partnership required to win this event. Many cliches describe how well they played together: They ham and egged it, they…

CLGA Match Play Champion

Judy Onken Terry Gaube “outmatched” the field to become the 2023 Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association (CLGA) Match Play Champion. This is one of Terry’s favorite formats, as each hole is a game in and of itself. You can have a snowman on a hole and come back and win the next one. It’s never over…

Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association

Judy Onken CLGA has wrapped up another year of competitive Thursday golf. We’ve enjoyed wonderful, though sometimes windy, weather and the company of some of the finest people in the country. Personally, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the privilege of this experience. We’ve wished “Ve Con Dios” to friends who escape to cooler climes…

Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association March Winners

Judy Onken March was the month of winners! Chief among them was the partnership of Alice Barber and Diane French, who took the overall top prize in our two-week Partner’s Competition. Other flight winners included: Joyce Parker and Joanne Rumpler in first flight, Joanne Malakanich in flight two, and Gloria Combs and Virginia Diers in…

Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association March Winners

Judy Onken Karen Fisher is the CLGA 2022 Champion! Karen is emblematic of our “new crop” membership who come with great skills while being ultimately gracious and fun. The club also benefits from their willingness to contribute to leading the planning and execution of special events and activities. Other flight winners in the Club Championship…