Denny Steele Be sure to mark your calendar for the return of Tuesday Nights Together at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, at 9248 E. Riggs Road (just west of the Robson Library). Topics vary from light and entertaining to more serious and informing. Everyone is welcome, admission is free, and reservations are not required! Nov.…
Tag: events
Clubs & Classes, November 2021
Cotillion Dance Club: 2021-22 Season—Fall Updates

Rob Spade Some sad news: The planned Saturday, Nov. 13, dance has been canceled. The member/guest survey concluded on Sept. 10, and results indicated an insufficient attendance forecast for the upcoming November event. Forty percent of polled members and guests indicated they “would attend the November dance based on information available at this time.” We…
Generals, November 2021
NWC and Chandler Symphony Holiday Concert Returns
Chandler Symphony Orchestra’s Deck the Holidays holiday concert will be held at the Risen Savior Lutheran Church Sanctuary on Sunday, Dec. 5, at 3 p.m. Tickets may be purchased for this concert at or by calling Neighbors Who Care at 480-895-7133. All proceeds will benefit Neighbors Who Care and Chandler Symphony. Raffle Baskets, holiday…
Generals, November 2021
2021 Wreaths Across America Event December 18

Mark Whitaker The time is fast approaching for the 2021 (sixth annual) Chandler Wreaths Across America Day event, which will be held at the Valley of the Sun Mortuary and Cemetery. The event is scheduled for the third Saturday in December, which is Dec. 18 this year. The Chandler event began and continues as an…
Generals, November 2021
Sun Lakes Lions Food Drive Set for November 20
Lion John Peterson The Sun Lakes Lions Food Drive will occur on Saturday, Nov. 20, in the Sun Lakes Country Club parking lot from 9 a.m. until noon. Please donate nonperishable food items for distribution to AZCEND and other charities.
Generals, November 2021
He’s Back for The 3rd Annual Pre-Thanksgiving Musicale Concert November 21

Area vocalist Jesse Washington will present the Third Annual Pre-Thanksgiving Musicale Concert on Sunday, Nov. 21, at 2 p.m. The 2020 Musicale Concert was canceled due to COVID-19, but is back on track for 2021. The 2021 event will feature Jesse along with his special guest piano duo Jeanette Cline and Roz Pederson. The Musicale…
Generals, November 2021
Risen Savior Presents Its 7th Annual Community Christmas Concert
Risen Savior Lutheran Church will hold its 2021 Community Christmas Concert on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 12. Given the overwhelming response to our prior concerts, we will, once again, present two one-hour concerts beginning at 2:30 and 4:30 p.m. Senior Pastor Ron Burcham, who also serves as the Master of Ceremonies for the concerts, proclaimed, “I…
Generals, November 2021
Bakeless Cookie Walk

Ginger Dolberg Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and for the health and safety of all, Sun Lakes United Methodist Women feel it is in everyone’s best interest to cancel the Christmas Cookie Walk again this year. Because of your generous support last year, we were able to provide monetary assistance to organizations such as Neighbors…
Generals, October 2021
Save the Dates for 17th Annual Luminaria Walk
Generals, October 2021
Sun Lakes – Cottonwood Palo Verde at Sun Lakes
Message from the President Roger Beagle Welcome back to the desert if you have been away. October has arrived, but the days remain warm in Sun Lakes. If you are traveling to the higher elevations, you will feel cooler temperatures and see the changing of the leaves on the Aspen and Maple trees. Here in…