Tag Archive for fitness

Yoga – Vinyasa style

  Sheila Axtman A couple of weeks ago after class, one of my students told me that she had felt too tired to come to class but came anyway. After class, she felt invigorated and energized, no longer tired. If you practice yoga, this has probably happened to you also. One of the many benefits…

Zumba with Mary

  Mary Tyree March is here, and it’s time to celebrate the wearing of the green! Let’s start the party and get ready for St. Patrick’s Day. Woohoo! Zumba® is your ticket for the most awesome workout ever. Move to great music with great people and burn a ton of calories without even realizing it.…

Chair Yoga time change

  Noell Hyman New time! The Wednesday Chair Yoga class has been moved from 10:00 a.m. to noon. What should you expect from Chair Yoga, and who exactly would benefit from it? This class is great for anyone with injuries or illnesses that prevent you from many active forms of exercise, or anyone who has…

Exercise is the fountain of youth

  Lesly Holness Exercise is one of the most important pieces of any healthy lifestyle. Looking for the fountain of youth? Look no further. This class has all you need, and it’s actually fun too! Regular exercise strengthens your muscles and improves heart and lung function, and it can also reduce your risk of major…

Move your chi to enhance longevity

  Kim Kubsch What is Chi and why do you need to MOVE it? Chi is the life force or energy that moves your circulation, warms your body and supplies your organs with oxygen rich blood. Moving your chi circulates more oxygen to the tissues and nourishes the joints, making you feel more vibrant and…

My love of Tai Chi

Kim Kubsch Life in balance is a body in motion. When we are accustomed to moving quickly and with ease, slowing down can be difficult to do. Why do I love Tai Chi-Qigong like I do? Moving gracefully and with ease is beautiful to watch. While living and working throughout Asia for 10 years, I…

Indoor walking track

  Carmela Hopkins Health and Safety: 1. Its level, nonslip walking surface helps prevent trips/stumbles. 2. Its cushioned surface is easy on joints and easy on falls. 3. It is out of the sun’s UVA and UVB rays. 4. It is out of traffic. 5. It is in a safe, controlled-access area. 6. Its temperature…

Energy Yoga class schedule

Paullene Caraher Experience the benefits of Energy Yoga with Paullene at the SunBird Golf Resort, Navajo Room, third floor, at the following times: Morning classes are held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:45-8:45 a.m. Afternoon classes are held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-5:00 p.m. There will be no class on February 1.…

Yoga – Vinyasa style

  Sheila Axtman It’s February, a great month to celebrate the things that make you feel good: The people you love, chocolate and yoga. Practicing yoga releases endorphins in your brain. You feel relaxed and happy. Vinyasa yoga also improves proprioception, strengthens and stretches your muscles and you become more flexible. It helps you feel…