Tag: golf

Sun Lakes Niners welcome back brunch

Lady Niners, please mark your calendars as a reminder to attend the Welcome Back Brunch on Saturday, October 24 in the Navajo Room at 10:00 a.m. This event is to welcome those lady golfers returning from being gone during the summer, those who remained and survived the heat, dust and wind storms and those who…

Cottonwood Men’s Golf Asso.

August 1: Ace of Aces qualifying: Flight 1 Gross 1st Grady Anderson; Flight 2 Gross 1st Tim Lamb, 2nd Dennis Bockelman; Flight 3 Gross 1st Jack Voight, 2nd Eric Selley; Flight 4 Gross 1st Bill Irwin, 2nd Arny Pinsley, 3rd Earl Whiteman Flight 1 Net 1st Larry Frink; Flight 2 Net Gary Hunnel, 2nd Chick…

ILGA October news

Shirley Weaver shows perfect form for her pre-game warm up.

Marcella Brown Slowly but surely Thursday league numbers are rising as members return from vacations or summers in cooler climates. Fall events are all in the planning stages. Member/Guest day is November 12. It is a 10:00 a.m. shotgun followed by lunch. With a theme of Wine-stone Cowgirl, let your imagination roll! See the website…

Niners results – August 2015

Jim Wegman The Arizona summer is starting to wind down and we hear that in some parts of the country the leaves are turning and the temperatures are going down as well. Canada geese are being seen on local golf courses. That means we will soon be seeing the return of our winter golfers. The…

IMGA happenings and events

John Concannon Another quiet month at the Ironwood Golf Course and the course continues to look and play well. Unfortunately, it is now overseeding season and let’s hope the course continues as it has been. I understand Frank Gaudioso is recovering nicely from heart surgery. Hope you are back better than ever, Frank. The last…

OLGA-18 news

Glo Malmberg Fall has arrived, the snowbirds are flying in and the golfing season will start anew very soon. The Oakwood Ladies Golf Association (OLGA) was down to pretty much a skeleton crew over the summer months so we are very much looking forward to the return of our fellow golfers. Don’t forget the annual…

IMGA Personality of the Month

Jim Wegman

John Concannon, Publicity This month’s Personality of the Month is Jim Wegman, a six year member of IMGA. Jim was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1941 and grew up in Ozone Park, Queens where he was active in the CYO athletic programs. When Jim graduated from John Adams H.S. he had no aspirations about furthering…

PVMGA – July 2015 results

Jim Davis, Publicity July was another warm one. We had another great month of golf. On July 11 we played a 3-2-1 format where the number of net scores on the team goes from one low net up to three low nets on the team and back again. The winning team, with a net score…

SLLGA 18 Holer results

Ingrid Jefferies and Moe Schoenwalder enjoying Ingrid’s raffle prize!

Nancy Field 7/07. Plant your Flag Tournament – exact target score: Karen Brown and Karen Hessler; 18th Green: Barb Rogers, Donna Smid and Linda Ryland; 18th Fairway: Judi Kilgus and Jan Fletcher; 18th Tee Box: Cheryl Bunch, Pat Benson, Iris Cannaday, Debbie Martin, Jan Moore and Mary Oester 7/14. Match Play – 1st Chery Bunch…

PVLGA news and views

Janet Baron, Publicity Chairman 7/07. Where can we come together? On the golf course, of course! Our first week tournament was the count of fewest putts. In Flight 1: 1st Camille Jasien, 2nd Carol Ruff, 3rd (tie) Donna Purcell and Carol Elliott. Donna Purcell’s hole-in-one on No. 17 made her day. Congratulations, Donna! Flight 2:…