Tag: golf

Sun Lakes Lady Niners news

The 2015 Sun Lakes Lady Niners officers

The 2015 officers of the Sun Lakes Lady Niners were installed at our January meeting. They are President Carole Kinderman, First Vice President Donna Sullivan, Second Vice President Jackie Aagaard, Secretary Rosalie Bowen and Treasurer Donna Quinn. February activities include a Valentine Happy Hour at Mulligans after the noon late play on February 10. On…

CMGA posts play day results

These are the winners of the Member/Member Tournament (left to right) Don Klein, Bill Moore, Ken Pearson, Dale Collings, Stan Gross and Arny Pinsly (not shown).

Results of recent events: 12/04 and 12/06. Home and Home with Leisure World – this tournament was cancelled due to flooding. 12/06. Afternoon Individual Play Low Net/Low Gross – Flight 1 Gross: 1st Jay Mays; Net: 1st net Stan Mohoric; Flight 2 Gross: 1st Larry Mullins, 2nd Dennis Bockelman, 3rd Hank Clausen; Net: 1st Steve…

PVLGA host most successful fundraiser to date

Janet Baron PVLGA and CW participants hosted their most successful ever annual fund raiser for the University of Arizona Cancer Center. Our Golf for Life Tournament was held on November 19. The amount of monies donated totaled $12,000, several thousand more than years past. Many of our players were themselves battling this dreadful disease. Their…

Cottonwood Lady Niners news – January 2015

Leslie Swan November was the beginning of regular Niners Thursday golf. The snowbirds are arriving back in dribs and drabs so the first game was just for fun with no results being recorded. November 13 – Least Putts: 1st (two-way tie) Anita Hopkins and Pat Kivi, 12 putts; 2nd (two-way tie) Faye McCrimmon and Lynn…

CLGA playday results

CLGA members get back in the swing!

The Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association got back in the swing in November after the three weeks of golf course overseeding. We had many winners in the Low Gross, Low Net tournament; and then, the Handicap Tournament brought out the best of the players with the winners determined by taking their score and subtracting the handicap.…

Ironwood is the 2014 Robson Challenge Champion

From left are Karen Beltz, RuthAnn McGilvra, Betty Dupuis, Barb Dinardo, Carol Jones, Leann Knox, Elaine Osborn, Karen Welker, Bev Lutes, Linda Meisinger (captain), Anne Annis and B.J. Schuller

The Robson Challenge is an annual event, held at the Robson-affiliated club that is hosting. Nine clubs (Robson communities) participate. The event is flighted, and each club must send players from every flight. Players compete for individual low net prizes by flight and the overall winning team receives a traveling trophy. Congratulations to individual winners:…

IMGA news and happenings

John Concannon, Publicity January is here and I for one am not ready for 2015. What the heck happened to 2014? But, time does not stop for any of us, so onward we go. For those of you not present for the vote on the updated constitution (yes we have a constitution), it passed by…

Sun Lakes Lady Putters results

Enjoying the Lady Putters’ Christmas luncheon are left to right front row Judy Hester, Colleen Hendrickson and Pam Hansen; back row left to right are Linda Raphael, Pat Camp, Carol Stagger and Laurie Lombardo

Susan Gottschalk The Christmas luncheon was recently held in the San Tan Ballroom. The Chordaires entertained and many prizes were awarded through the raffle drawings. Installation of officers includes President Annie Hall, Vice President Jo Bryant, Secretary Kathi Bobek and Treasurer Camille Jasien. Monday Flight: 11/10. Best Ball: 1st (tie) Irene Brown and Lynn Tulis…

2014 ILGA Member Guest tournament results

Pictured left to right are Louise Burke, Sheila Junkermeier, Betty Schechter (standing in pink), Nan Atkison and Diane Ehrhardt and Marla Calley at the registration table.

Louise Burke, Publicity The 2014 ILGA Member/Guest took place on Thursday, November 13 with a full field of golfing enthusiasts. Each year ILGA members may invite a guest who is not an active ILGA member and who has a verifiable handicap. This year, the winners were: Flight 1: 1st Gail Moen/Jen Schmitz, 2nd Eleanor Hinerichsen/Coleen…

OLNGA scores with social events and new executive

Longtime OLNGA volunteer Pattie Wigton inducted by Vice President Bev Isley

Ann Rounthwaite When league play resumed on November 4 winners were Flight 1: 1st Cora Lathom-Levensky, 2nd Suevonne Negaard, 3rd Georgeann Bell; Flight 2: 1st Ursula Bird, 2nd Barbara Stewart, 3rd Susan Meer; Flight 3: 1st Julia Collier, 2nd Rachel Enloe, 3rd Marion Greer In a step-aside scramble on November 11: 1st Ila Kraayenbrink, Fran…