IWLN awards

Chip-in awards: Linda Liberti, Patty Partridge, Connie Luther, Sue Werner, Rony Lacey, Barb Johnston, Barb Pezzute, Susan Uhrich and Norma Marsh

Nancy Davis, Publicity Our president, Susan Meer, hosted an absolutely wonderful and well-attended general meeting and brunch awards ceremony on April 13. Because the IWLN has so many amazing members, we have more ladies to acknowledge and congratulate from this meeting in this month’s edition. Congratulations and job well done ladies! Birdie Awards: Denise Fleshner…

IWLN news and events

Nancy Davis, Publicity Summer Play: Yes, the Ironwood Lady Niners will have summer play while the Ironwood Course is closed for renovation. We will move our play day to Tuesday and join the Oakwood Lady Niners. We will continue to play as a league during the summer and will provide details soon. Game of the…

IWLN Valentine event

Ray and Nancy Knott

Nancy Davis, Publicity Valentine Partners event: The Ironwood Lady Niners held their 2016 Valentine Partners event on Wednesday, February 10. Members asked their spouses, a gentleman or lady friend, and/or a significant other to join us in a round of golf. The following guests participated in this event: Joe Azzaro, Bill Bartoo, Dave Bauer, Lou…

IWLN medallion winners

Pictured left to right are Julia Collier and MJ Coking

Nancy Davis, Publicity Medallion winners: MJ Coking and Julia Collier were our IWLN 2015 Medallion winners who played in the AWGA Medallion Tournament held at PebbleCreek on January 17. The Coking/Collier team won first place in their flight and share their experience with us. “The course was beautiful and enjoyable to golf. PebbleCreek is a…

IWLN 2016 Committees

IWLN Executive Board and Standing Committee Members.

Nancy Davis Ironwood Lady Niners Standing Committees: In addition to the Executive Board, the Ironwood Lady Niners League has Standing Committees that give their time and expertise to make our club so successful and fun; 2016 Standing Committee Members are Pairings/Games Linda Liberti; Scoring Denise Fleshner; Handicap-Membership Rachel Enloe; Orientation Marcia Gaudioso and Judy Frink;…

IWLN 2016 Executive Board

Pictured (seated left to right) Denise Fleshner and Susan Meer; (standing left to right) Linda Liberti and Marcia Gaudioso

Nancy Davis, Publicity Happy New Year and welcome back holiday travelers! We just want you all to know that since you couldn’t be here in Sun Lakes during the holidays, we all enjoyed golf and our gorgeous Chamber of Commerce holiday weather for you! 2016 Executive Board: The 2016 Executive Board was installed at our…

2015 IWLN “Summer Hottie”

President Jeanine Krause (left) presented the 2015 summer hottie award to Linda Liberti

Nancy Davis 2015 IWLN summer hottie! During our summer play from mid-May through September, the Ironwood Lady Niners take a break from more serious golf and prizes. We kick back and enjoy casual play where you can sign up your own pairings and choose your own game or play to develop your game. Of course,…

IWLN meet for breakfast

IWLN stay cool at the Poolside Café!

Nancy Davis, Publicity On September 16 our IWLN gathered at the Oakwood Poolside Café for an end of summer play breakfast social. Ladies who attended were Paula Bartoo, Julia Collier, Nancy Davis, Rachel Enloe, Denise Fleshner, Judy Frink, JoAnne Gaudioso, Ann Gavin, Margaret Johns, BJ Krause with guest Judie Riedel, Jeanine Krause, Linda Liberti, Norma…

IWLN summer play

IWLN gather on back patio following play.

Nancy Davis, Publicity After a magnificent winter and spring this year, the Sun Lakes scorching summer has arrived. Many of our members leave the area during the summer months and some prefer not to play in the heat and especially at 6:30 a.m. However, there is a group of ladies who absolutely love the game…

IWLN medallion winner

Lana Jonker (left) and Leta Polson.

Nancy Davis, Publicity IWLN Medallion winners: Our president, Jeanine Krause, hosted an absolutely wonderful and well-attended General Meeting and Brunch Awards Ceremony on April 8. Because the IWLN has so many amazing members, we have more ladies to acknowledge and congratulate from this meeting in this month’s edition. Nancy Heberling presented Medallion Medals to our…