MOGA news and announcements

  Wayne Karp, Men’s Oakwood Golf Association Coming in 2020, the golf world will have one international handicap system. The World Handicap System will go into effect in 2020. It will make all handicaps around the world on the same level. Golf Genius, the software we use for events, has created a white paper to…

MOGA golf schedule

Wayne Karp, Men’s Oakwood Golf Association Your MOGA board is looking for someone to take over the Publicity Chair position. This is a key position in MOGA. What you read in the Sun Lakes Splash is prepared and written by the Publicity Chairman. This is important newsprint for us, as it tells the community what…

MOGA news and June schedule

Wayne Karp, Men’s Oakwood Golf Association Are you new to the area or just looking for a great way to spend time on the course and meet some new friends? We have over 350 members with golfers at every level. MOGA (Men’s Oakwood Golf Association) has an event each Thursday throughout the year. Why not…

MOGA news

Wayne Karp, Men’s Oakwood Golf Association Are you new to the area or just looking for a great way to spend time on the course and meet some new friends? You don’t have to be a resident of IronOaks to join our group. We have over 350 members with golfers at every level. MOGA (Men’s…

MOGA April Schedule

Bob Greene, MOGA Publicity Have you ever played golf with a professional golfer with the intent to beat him or her? Well, on Thursday, February 28, there were 101 MOGA members that “took on” our Professional, Mr. Eddy Renio, in a game of Beat the Pro! In all fairness, you have to understand that some…

MOGA Club Championship results

D. Bogaard (left) Douglas Stodgel (right)

Bob Greene, MOGA Publicity On January 24, the second round (18 holes) of the MOGA Club Championship was played on Oakwood’s Lakes/Sonoran Courses. At the same time, the “Super Seniors” (80+ years) were competing for their trophy. Douglas Stodgel is the new Club Champion, finishing with a 36-hole total of 156. Second place was Arthur…

MOGA news

Bob Greene, Publicity If you are new to the area and would like to meet other golfers, come to the Oakwood Pro shop. You will be welcome! You don’t have to be a resident of IronOaks to join MOGA. We have over 350 members with golfers of every level. You will meet new friends while…

Upcoming schedule for MOGA

  Bob Greene, MOGA publicity It’s time to renew your MOGA membership! This year, new and renewing members of MOGA have the opportunity to pay their membership online using a credit card. Members can log in to their profile page on the AGA website at www.azgolf.org and click on the “Renew” button. (More detailed information…

It is time to renew your MOGA membership

Wayne Karp, MOGA Publicity Chair It’s time to renew your MOGA membership! This year, new and renewing members of MOGA have the ability to pay their membership online using a credit card. Members can log in to their profile page on the AGA website (after November 3) at www.azgolf.org and click on the “Renew” button.…

MOGA news

  In Oakwood, all the courses are recovering nicely and once the overseed is completed in October/November, we should see a great improvement over last year at this time. Great work by our IronOaks golf course maintenance staff! Volunteers Needed: It’s that time again when we ask our members to step up and volunteer to help…