MOGA’s May activities

Charley Akin Congratulations to Jack Sanders for a hole-in-one on the Lakes No. 2 during MOGA play on May 1. Great going, Jack! MOGA’s game of the day on May 1 was Beat the Pro; 50 MOGA members accomplished that feat. On May 8 in the Individual Low Net Competition, the morning flight winners were…

MOGA wins Home & Home

CMGA President, Rick Nelson, left, passes Home and Home trophy to Howard Weiss, MOGA President.

Charley Akin The Oakwood and Cottonwood men’s golf associations, MOGA and CMGA, competed in their annual Home and Home tournament on April 3 at Oakwood and April 5 at Cottonwood; 32 four-man teams consisted of two MOGA and two CMGA members each and the games were designed to produce team winners in four flights and…