Arizona Fire and Medical Authority

  Volunteer recognitions Crisis Response volunteer Mikkel Christian received her year-end hours of service Presidential pin from CR Leads LouAnn Sedgwick (left) and Nancy Roberts (right). (Photo by Brian Curry) Proper use of equipment Assistant Fire Marshall Tom O’Donohue shows Palo Verde resident Penny Flynn how to properly use a “Dry Chemical” fire extinguisher at…

OLGA news

Thomas O’Donohue, Mary Dyrseth, Debbie Horner, Spencer Snyder

Carol Smith We had a very successful charity tournament. We raised $2,370 for the Fire Department. Thomas O’Donohue, Assistant Fire Marshal, and Spencer Snyder, Battalion Chief, received the check. They told us about all the new happenings at the Fire Department and answered our questions – very helpful. The winners of the charity event were…

OLGA news and results

Carol Smith We are all very proud of two ladies who represented OLGA in the State Medallion Tournament. E.J. Yoon and Mary Dyrseth won first place in their flight. That is quite an accomplishment. Other winners in the Low Net plus Putts – Flight A: 1st Lois Foerster, 2nd E.J. Yoon, 3rd Anne Annis; Flight…

OLGA news

Carol Smith On December 4, we had a wonderful luncheon to install our new board for 2019; President Debbie Horner, Vice President Mary Dyrseth, Secretary Julie Hastings and Treasurer Colleen Ritter. They have a hard act to follow. We gave our thanks to Jan Skibo for her great work this year. We also played our…

OLGA playday results

  Carol Smith Boy, it was nice to see everyone at our Welcome Back lunch after nine holes of golf. Everyone looked great and had a good time. We introduced our new board for 2019: President Debbie Horner, Vice President Mary Dyrseth, Secretary Julie Hastings and Treasurer Colleen Ritter. Ann Annis presented the award for…

OLGA news

  Carol Smith Well it is that time of year again. The snowbirds are heading south to warm up. Our first play day is November 6 at 10:00 a.m. shotgun. We will be playing from the silver tees to make it easier after the reseeding. There will be a welcome back luncheon right after play,…

OLGA playday results

  Carol Smith We had a fun time with our Charity Tournament and luncheon. We raised over $2,000 for our charity, Azcend, which is an organization that helps feed Chandler’s children and seniors. Good job, ladies! The winners in the charity event were 1st Judy Darnell, Judy Kirschenbaum, Carol Smith and Betty Wolfmeyer. We are…

OLGA golf news

  Carol Smith It has been an exciting start to 2018. First, we had the State Medallion tournament here at Oakwood. Dari Atkins and E.J. Yoon made us proud by both coming in second – a great accomplishment. We completed the OLGA Cup Championship after three weeks of competitive play. The winners of each flight…

OLGA is in full swing

  Carol Smith This year started with some fun play days. We are hosting the entire State Medallion tournament. Dari Akins and E.J. Yoon are representing OLGA in the tournament. Results are not in yet. Our OLGA Cup tournament (low net champion) began January 23 and 30 and finishes February 5. It is an exciting…

OLGA Charity Golf Tourney

Shirley Weaver On Tuesday, December 5, 2017, the Oakwood Ladies Golf Association will hold their annual Charity Event. This year, our charity will be “The American Service Animal Society.” ASAS is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to enabling disabled veterans to live a more productive life through the use of service animals. They are funded…