Bob Armstrong, Publicity So, for all of us who made New Year’s resolutions and are still keeping them going, be careful out there … we don’t want to overdo things. The 2018 golf season is in full swing! We are pleased to provide the most recent results of our Saturday scheduled play: On Saturday,…
Sports, November 2017
PVMGA September results
Bob Armstrong – Publicity So now, with few exceptions, our friends are back from their northern habitats where they no doubt spent the summer taking lessons and practicing long hours in preparation for the coming new Palo Verde golf season. The full-time residents are ready… Following is our report on the final events of last…
Sports, October 2017
PVMGA August 2017 Tournament results
Bob Armstrong – Publicity Watching disastrous hurricane news coverage and wondering why we complain about heat and some humidity… We are blessed, even in summer, to be living in Sun Lakes, Arizona! The competitors in our Association continue to enjoy their Saturday morning outings, and we are very pleased to report the results of their…
Front Page, October 2017
Golf Fore Life Annual Tournament

Liz DeMichael, Publicity Many members of the Palo Verde Ladies’ and Men’s Golf Associations (PVLGA and PVMGA) are survivors of cancer. Fortunately, they can still play golf. The PVLGA, together with the PVMGA, asks for your help in raising funds to end cancer by signing up to play in the November 14, 2017, Golf Fore…
Sports, September 2017
PVMGA July Tournament results
Bob Armstrong, Publicity Here we are in the “Dog Days of Summer” when, even before the first cup of coffee, we search the weather forecasts for signs of relief from the heat, even welcoming the approach of the monsoons with their always-dangerous thunderstorms, gusting winds and possible sandstorms. Still, every Saturday morning, our heroes assemble…
Sports, August 2017
PVMGA June results
Bob Armstrong, Publicity We are happy to report that the Saturday morning contests continue unabated, even though record temperatures and increasing humidity (especially on the water-drenched, irrigated fairways where the rising sun releases moisture much like saunas in the far north) are testing the resolve of our intrepid golfers! The results of the most recent…
Sports, July 2017
PVMGA May tournament results
Bob Armstrong, Publicity Even as temperatures climb, the Saturday morning battles continue. While the less stout-hearted of those among us skulk off in the night to seek cooler climes to the north, the remaining warriors prepare for the coming exposure to the ever-present sunshine and its blast furnace heat, filling coolers with ice cold beverages,…
Sports, June 2017
PVMGA tournament results
Bob Armstrong, Publicity So, once again, at high noon on May 9, the members of the Palo Verde CC and the Cottonwood CC were treated to a demonstration of golf played well when our assistant pros competed in a “Skins Game,” this time held at the CWCC course. The winner of the event was our…
Sports, May 2017
PVMGA playday results
Bob Armstrong The Palo Verde Men’s Golf Association, with our thanks to Head Professional Greg Tokash, has continued its very active schedule through a cool winter and into a very pleasant spring. On Saturday, March 11, a morning Scramble contest was won by Daryl Ramseyer, Bill Ryan, James Granzow and Jim Davis, with a very…