Tag: Sun Lakes Hiking Club

Tight squeeze

Club members "skinny up" to make it through Fat Man's Pass.

Warren Wasescha One of the great things about the Sun Lakes Hiking Club is that you get a chance to see and experience areas of the Valley in a very different way. Take for example South Mountain. From the ground looking up, it’s just an average-looking mountain. But travel up the Mormon Trail to the…

Hikers cool off along the Mogollon Rim

Photo by Mark Malin

Warren Wasescha The club’s off-season hikes began this summer with a 6.3-mile hike on Houston Loop Trail along the Mogollon Rim near Payson, AZ, 4800 feet above sea level with temperatures 20 degrees cooler than in the desert, 90 miles away – a nice respite from the summer heat enjoying nature with friends. While our…

A very special hiking trip

Judith Kuse In mid-March, 40 members of the Sun Lakes Hiking Club embarked on this year’s Special Hiking Trip with destinations in the Dragoon Mountains; the wine country of Willcox, AZ; the Chiricahuas and the city of Bisbee, AZ. The entire trip was graced with good trails, companionable hikers and the absence of glitches. Hikers…

Be prepared for summer hiking

Judith Kuse The Sun Lakes Hiking Club’s season is nearly over, but many of its members still enjoy hiking AZ trails throughout the spring and summer months. They know they must be alert to the special challenges of hiking in the heat, and they prepare well before venturing out. Marilyn Harkins, hike coordinator for the…

Sun Lakes Hiking Club offers lots of extras

Judith Kuse In addition to sponsoring two to three weekly hikes, members of the Sun Lakes Hiking Club (SLHC) enjoy one another’s company at a number of special hikes and social events during every hiking season. For example, in mid-December, club members and their guests were invited, for the seventh year in a row, to…

Take your grandchildren hiking this holiday season

  Judith Kuse Just in time for that time of year when families often visit their grandparents, Sun Lakes Hiking Club members have compiled a list of favorite multi-generational hikes. The trail at Papago Park leads the list. Located minutes from downtown Phoenix next to the Phoenix Zoo and the Desert Botanical Gardens, Papago Park…

A hiking story that inspires

Judith Kuse The heat of summer often results in a slower pace of life. This is true whether it’s the extreme heat of an Arizona summer or a warm summer day at a northern lake. On these lazy days, many indulge themselves in leisure reading, and booklovers can be heard asking, “Can you recommend a…