Category: April 2024

Science and Technology

Karen Vollis Are you interested in science and technology? During the winter, we can attend nature walks to learn about the flora and fauna of the desert. We can volunteer to be Citizen Scientists at the Maricopa Parks (to document the various species of plants, birds, or insects). During the summer, we can stay cool…

Supporting Animal Rescues

Time and time again, we get asked, “My condition currently restricts mobility to volunteer. How can we support a rescue?” First, a little about rescues and volunteering. About the Rescue Dogs: Each rescue dog is unique, and each one comes from a very different environment, type of socialization, neglect, abuse, or even abandonment. Sometimes their…

Word of the Month: Trochus

David Zapatka While cruising around Australia on the way to Thursday Island, I read this description about the port city. “The mixed population of Malays, Chinese, Japanese, and Melanesians are engaged mainly in pearling and trochus and sea cucumber fishing.” Trochus—tro·​chus noun: 1.a. Capitalized. a genus of chiefly Old World tropical marine gastropods (family Trochidae)…

St. Steven’s Church Speakers

The St. Steven’s Church Respect Life meeting on March 7 had a special speaker from Ohio. Mr. Chuck Heinlen, Sun Lakes resident during the winter months, talked about many items of information pertinent to mothers, fathers, children, and others about signing papers when out shopping at malls and other places. Chuck is the Knights of…

Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association

The past few weeks have been full of activity for the Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association (CLGA). A social event was held in Sisk Park. The sun was shining as more than 20 members gathered to share food, drink, and conversation. It is always a good time when we can be together and get to know…

Desert Threads Make Items for Charity

During group Sew Days, members make quilts and other items for the needs of a variety of nonprofits supported by Desert Threads Quilters. Members make simple utility bags for carrying various items handed out at the refugee center in Phoenix. Immigrants waiting for their sponsors to pick them up attend the center and obtain necessities…

Fit and Fun Club

Karyl Garbow Fit and Fun is a positive health and wellness group embracing a healthy lifestyle! Receive information about health and lifestyle issues as we take charge of our own health, lives, and self-care together! We cover a new topic every Wednesday in the Cottonwood Country Club Phoenix Room (inside the Computer Learning Center). The…

Sun Lakes Lady Putters

Susan Gottschalk Mark your calendar! The spring luncheon is April 7 in the Saguaro Room at the Cottonwood clubhouse. Doors open at 11 a.m. Lunch choices are a prime rib sandwich or a Maui chicken salad. Reservations are available with your flight leader. Table games and raffle drawings always make for a fun afternoon. Monday…

Oakwood Lady Niners News

Reggie Wegman A group of hearty women played very early on March 12. We were all dressed for the 55-degree weather that morning. Only the brave signed up for a quick nine holes. When we arrived back in the parking lot, the 18-hole ladies were all dressed for a ‘70s golf invitational. They all looked…