And the award goes to…

  Judith Kuse It’s a Sun Lakes Hiking Club annual tradition to bestow awards on deserving members at its year-end picnic. This year was no exception. While members were gathered at Oasis Park for a potluck lunch in late March, the SLHC leadership made its official and unofficial presentations. In the “official” category, the Sunshine…

Lady Jokers Wild Hand and Foot Card Group

  Susan Gottschalk The Lady Jokers Wild Hand and Foot card group, who regularly meet on Thursday afternoons, recently gathered for their seventh annual hors d’oeuvre party at the home of Ellen Hellman. She was ably assisted by her committee of Karen Ryan, Shirley Hutchings and Patty LeVoir.

SLCT selects new board of directors for 2018-2019

Marcia Stevic Sun Lakes Community Theatre has selected its Board of Directors for the 2018-2019 season. They are: President – Phyllis Novy, Vice-President – Jim Janowski, Secretary – Carol Horowitz, Technical Chairman – Rick Whitney, Mary Vandergriff – Program Chairman, Publicity Chairman – Bill Becker, and Budget – Cindi Decker. In addition, Kathy Jones serves…

Attention IronOaks new homeowners!

  Attention IronOaks New Homeowners – You are eligible for a FREE round of golf for two, FREE week of fitness, FREE week of tennis and BOGO meal at Stone & Barrel or Grill on the Green. All you have to do is call the IronOaks Welcome Group, c/o Howard Lundgren, at 480-369-2015 or email…

What motivated you to seek Reiki?

  Lois Valleau Reiki is a gentle yet powerful energy that relaxes the body and promotes healing. Since 1995, the Reiki Circle has been in existence in Sun Lakes. Each Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m., we meet in Room A-2 in the Cottonwood courtyard to share this healing energy. We offer this service as a…

Movement for low back pain

Noell Hyman Take a moment to notice the way you’re sitting right now. Is your back rounding backward? Think about how much you sit during the day and how often your spine might be rounding back, which is the opposite position the lower back is designed for. If you’re in pain, consider trying a cbd…