The Remodeling Corner – December 2014

Janet Cook For our loved ones, we want to think of meaningful gifts to give to express our feelings to those special in our lives. We can even get clever, or even corny in how we say it as a symbol of our affection. Sometimes it can be those little things with thought that will…

Unity: Prosperity and Abundance

Kay Davis When many people hear or see the word prosperity, they automatically think of money; and although Webster’s Dictionary mentions achieving economic wellbeing, it also relates the word to strong, thriving, flourishing and enjoying vigorous and healthy growth. Here at Unity, we see God as the source of unending supply and as we affirm our…

Author Jane Cleland coming to Robson Library

Antiques Mystery series author Jane K. Cleland will be giving a presentation at Lecky Center, Ed Robson Maricopa County Library, 9333 Riggs Rd., Sun Lakes on Saturday, December 13 from 11:00 a.m.-noon. Antique enthusiasts find her books delightful because of frequent references to the collecting world, and the popular Josie Prescott mystery series are often…

AAUW installs new board

American Association of University Women installed new Executive Board: Co-Vice President Gail Jones, Treasurer Alise Puckett, Co-Presidents Janet Cox and Paulette Schutes, Membership Chair Helen Semple, President Elect Marjorie Wright; not present: Jana Greene, Judi Edmonds and Karen Melching.

Ironwood Lady Niners results and news

2014 Summer Hottie, President Jeanine Krause

Nancy Davis, Publicity It is with a very heavy heart that I report the passing of current member Janiece Wallin. Janiece has been an active member with the IWLN since 2007. She had a love of the game of golf and really enjoyed playing with our Ironwood Lady Niners League. To Janiece’s family, we extend…