Buddy Meola The month of May started with a two-day event pitting the Palo Verde Men’s Golf Association against the CMGA. On Saturday, May 1, each team played a two-man best ball format with each team receiving one point for winning the front, back, and total. After the first day of play on the Cottonwood…
Sports, May 2021
Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association March Results
Buddy Meola March was a very busy month for the Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association (CMGA) with a two-day event on March 7 and 8. It was a Ryder Cup Competition. There were 40 Blue Team members and 40 White Team members. The two-man teams played a team best ball on Saturday. The team won a…
Sports, April 2021
CMGA Club Championship and February Results

Buddy Meola February was a busy calendar month for Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association (CMGA) members. The Presidents Cup continues with the 64 qualifying players. They are playing matches each week to whittle that number down to the final two. The results will be announced next month. February started with the Ace of Aces monthly qualifier on…
Sports, February 2021
CMGA December Results and Honoring Rick Miller
Buddy Meola Each year, the Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association honors the member who demonstrates the most improvement in their golf game. This improvement’s best indicator is shown in how the player is able to lower his Handicap Index in the year in question. The Most Improved Player for 2020 was Rick Miller. Rick started the…
Sports, January 2021
CMGA November Results
Buddy Meola The Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association (CMGA) was anxious to start playing the Cottonwood golf course after the annual overseed. The course is in beautiful shape, and even though it was cart-path only, everyone is enjoying it. The CMGA had one event in October and four events in November to end the 2020 season.…
Sports, October 2020
CMGA Tournament Results
Buddy Meola On Aug. 8, the Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association played a two-man pick your partner tournament with a two net format. First Flight Low Net Team: Steve Lowe and Martin Oerter Second Flight Low Net Team: Don Klein and Bill Moore Third Flight Low Net Team: Steve Martz and Ken Nelson Aug. 15 was…
Sports, September 2020
CMGA July Results
Buddy Meola The Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association started the month with the Ace of Aces qualifier. The low gross and low net scores qualify them for the Ace of Aces Tournament played in early 2021. July 4 Ace of Aces Event: First Flight: Low Gross Mark Higgs, Low Net Larry Frink; Second Flight: Low Gross…
Sports, July 2020
May CMGA Results
Buddy Meola May 2 and 3 was a two-man Cottonwood team versus a two-man Palo Verde team Ryder Cup competition. On May 2, the teams played Cottonwood, with the Cottonwood men playing the White tees and the Palo Verde men playing the Gold tees. On May 3, the teams played at Palo Verde, with the…
Sports, June 2020
CMGA April Results
Buddy Meola Golf continued to be played using the social distancing recommendations of the Arizona governor and health officials. Many of our Canadian members had departed for home, so the fields were smaller but just as competitive. April 4 was the Ace of Aces Qualifier. The Low Gross and Low Net scores from each flight…
Sports, March 2020
CMGA January Results and March Events

Buddy Meola January was an active month for the Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association. Jan. 4 was the first qualifier for the 2020 Ace of Aces tournament which will be played in January 2021. First Flight Low Gross: Jerry Davis, First Flight Low Net: Steve Lowe, Second Flight Low Gross: Jim Rumpler, Second Flight Low Net:…