Congratulations to the winners of the Sun Lakes Rotary Golf Tournament. Pictured are Randy Rainwater, Bo Ciombor, Frank Wiley, and John Kiehl.
Tag: golf
Sports, April 2022
Ironwood Lady Niners Stay Active
Who would believe that the official 2021-2022 golf season is about to come to a close? But that doesn’t mean the Ironwood lady golfers pack away their clubs. They simply change their schedules, hop out of bed as the sun rises, and gather at the Ironwood course for summer golf. There are no chits, no tournaments,…
Sports, April 2022
PVLGA Presidents Cup Results
Susan Lamb The Palo Verde Ladies played their Presidents Cup (low net) tournament on Feb. 15 and 22. Everyone had a great time trying for a low net victory. Refreshments were served after the March 22 round to congratulate the flight winners and Presidents Cup Champion Diana Ridd. Flight winners were as follows: Flight 1:…
Sports, April 2022
Lady Niners Update
Sports, April 2022
Men’s Niners Results, February 2022
Jim Wegman, Publicity The Club Championship Tournament began on Feb. 3. Winners: 02/03/22 Low Net Lakes. Flight 1: 1st Tom Reale, 2nd (tie 4) Bill Pender, Jerry Richards, Lloyd Schaeffer, Erich Tiepel; Flight 2: 1st (tie) Jim Campbell, Bill Flinn, 3rd Jordy Primack; Flight 3: 1st Renny Vowell, 2nd Bill Slattery, 3rd Jim Wegmank; Flight 4:…
Sports, April 2022
MOGA Upcoming Events
Sports, April 2022
IMGA Events
Mike Willinger The 2022 Member/Guest event was held on Feb. 15. The golf was followed by an excellent dinner, awards, and raffle at the Oakwood ballroom. We wish to express our sincere thanks for the support of our many sponsors and donors. Please visit the IMGA website for a presentation on the event, the players,…
Sports, April 2022
Sun Lakes Lady Putters
Susan Gottschalk The annual spring luncheon will be held April 1 in the San Tan Ballroom at Cottonwood. Our raffle drawings will highlight the afternoon. Proceeds from the drawings support donations to local charities. Monday Flight: Feb. 14: Sharon Gouthro, Dottie Schnormeier, Camille Jasien Feb. 21: Shauna Bragg, Sharon Gouthro, Susan Gottschalk Feb. 28: (tie)…
Sports, April 2022
Golfers of the Month – IMGA Prize Committee
IMGA is recognizing the Prize Committee for their efforts in timely completion of the chit tallies. Next to a good score, knowing where you placed and chits awarded is important. Two years ago, Rich Rathburn joined the IMGA Board as prize committee chairman. Awarding chits was a manual process, using a member list to look…
Clubs & Classes, April 2022
CLGA Service Awards
Judy Onken February’s CLGA Luncheon included recognizing individuals with 20, 25, and 30 years since joining the club with Service Awards. This group includes three past presidents, two club champs, and committee chairs too numerous to list. Interestingly, all are Midwesterners and represent how Sun Lakes came to be. They all bring a love of…