Reggie Wegman Welcome spring! Remember, ladies, this is the time of year that we need to hydrate while playing golf. Over the past year, we have had many fantastic chip-ins and birdies. The list includes the following: Colleen Duke and Karen Graves had three chip-ins and Cora Levensky, Rachel Enloe, Joyce Parker, Lisa Mitchell, Julie…
Tag: golf
Sports, April 2022
Men’s IronOaks Nine Holers Fundraiser and Luncheon
Jim Wegman, Publicity The Men’s IronOaks Nine Hole Golf Association held their annual Awards Luncheon and Fundraiser at the Oakwood clubhouse on Feb. 23. President Lloyd Schaeffer called the meeting to order at 11:10 a.m. Special guest speaker was IronOaks teaching pro Kevin Marugame. The luncheon was notable for a number of reasons; the attendance…
Sports, April 2022
CLGA Playday Results
Judy Onken Karen Fisher is the CLGA 2022 Champion! Karen is emblematic of our “new crop” membership who come with great skills while being ultimately gracious and fun. The club also benefits from their willingness to contribute to leading the planning and execution of special events and activities. Other flight winners in the Club Championship…
Sports, April 2022
ILGA Player Scores an Ace
Sports, April 2022
No Stopping Valerie
Sports, April 2022
SLLGA Results
Judy Wegener Congratulations to Jan Cobb for the overall winner of the Presidents Cup. Also, congratulations are in order for the Sun Lakes Ladies Travel Team for taking the trophy this year—a feat they haven’t seen since 2010! Feb. 1 Low Net Flight 1: 1st (tie) Debra Emerick and Lynn Tanner, 3rd Judy Bray; Flight…
Sports, April 2022
Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association February Activities and Results
Buddy Meola February was a very active month for CMGA members with two Ace of Aces qualifiers and the three-day Club Championship. On Feb. 5 an Ace of Aces Qualifier was played. The player with the lowest gross and the lowest net scores in each flight qualifies for the Ace of Aces tournament in early 2023.…
Sports, March 2022
Hole-In-One: Sue Pederson
Sports, March 2022
CWLGA News and Events
Judy Onken Sandy Worden is our 2022 Match Play Champion! Champ Worden defeated some of the club’s best players in her march to the top, including Mikki Rydell, Karen Fischer, Paddy Newton, and Kathryn Campbell. The Match Play format proves the adage “never give up.” It’s nice to see good things happen to good people!…
Sports, March 2022
Ladies Pitch and Putt
The Sun Lakes Ladies Pitch and Putt group plays every Thursday morning at the Sun Lakes Country Club short course behind the clubhouse. It is strictly a fun and social get-together with the emphasis on fun—no sticklers for golf rules here! We recently held our annual Valentine’s Day event, where everyone was encouraged to wear…