Tag: golf

IMGA News and Events

2021 Ironwood Cup Winner Ted Osborne (trophy presented by IMGA President Bob Clark and Tournament Director Dan Smith)

Mike Willinger Congratulations to Ted Osborne, the 2021 Winner of the Ironwood Cup. He finished the event with a net nine under par. The event was played every Tuesday for three weeks and concluded this week. Congratulations also to the other flight winners: Flight 1: Bill Beltz, Flight 2: Russell Cauffman, Flight 3: Dennis Schwehr,…

Oakwood Ladies Golf Association

Kathy Burns Oakwood Ladies Golf continues to use tee times starting on #1 and #10 weekly. On Jan. 12, the Play of the Day was Mutt and Jeff. Winners were Flight 1: Leanne Durham and Dang Teater tied for 1st, and Glo Malmberg was 3rd; Flight 2: 1st Connie Hughes, 2nd Barb Anderson and Julie…

IMGA March Golfer of the Month

Wayne Karp, March IMGA Golfer of the Month, with his wife Janet at Machu Picchu

Mike Willinger Wayne loves his golf, playing several times a week. He and his wife Janet love to travel, having visited every continent except Africa which, hopefully, will be visited this year. Wayne was born in Aurora, Ill., March 15, 1950, the oldest of four siblings. He was raised in Montgomery until high school when…

Ironwood Lady Niners

Suevonne Negaard Zoom, Zoom, Zoom: The Ironwood Lady Niners Board started “Zooming” with President Rachel last summer, and we will continue to Zoom through 2021, with President Judy at the controls. The first item of business was self-introductions and responsibilities for elected members. President: Judy Thompson, and we look forward to her leadership. Welcome back,…

MOGA March Schedule and Updates

Publicity Chair Steve Engler

Steve Engler Happy New Year, MOGA members and friends! 2021 is now here, and March will be a very busy month with the Member/Member event (Chapman) and then three weeks for the MOGA Club Championships (Gross Stroke event). In April, we will have events such as Individual and team Stableford, Individual Low Net and Beat…

Cottonwood Lady Niners: March 17 Member Play Day

Violetta Armour Cottonwood Lady Niners golf has a new club champion! The overall winner is Jacque Smith, and Michelle Dubusschere is the low net champion. Additional winners in their respective flights were: Christine Lacoutre (Flight 2) and Lola Bernadelli (Flight 3). Keeping up with our primary mission of fun golf outings, on Feb. 11 the…

Sun Lakes Lady Niners

Back row (left to right): Mary Bohren, Jan Sykes, Liz Tollefsen, Jackie Aagaard, Rose Gallagher, Rosie Raisanin; second row (left to right): Ann Hegney, Lavonne Mensink, Bev Jur, Fran Kleinsteuber, Sue Parmenter, Sheila Barton; front row (left to right): Susan Geis, Ardyce Gibson, Irene Anderson, Lillian Look

Sheila Barton As we settle into what appears to be a new normal, I am thankful for the comradery shared by the Sun Lakes Lady Niners. On Jan. 26, a Pizza Party was held at Mulligans to celebrate and congratulate the 2020 award winners. Money was given out, balls were given out, and pins were…

SLLGA Results

Judy Wegener January kicked off with our traditional Home and Home with the Ironwood 18-hole League. Congrats to Brenda Heyink and Lavaughn Pietz for participating in the State Medallion held at PebbleCreek this year. Jan. 5 Low Net Flight 1: 1st Judy Bray, 2nd Nancy O’Donnell, 3rd Brenda Heyink; Flight 2: 1st (tie) Dori Winchester…

IMGA February News and Events

Larry Horner, three-time winner of the Ironwood Cup

Mike Willinger In Memoriam Sadly, Larry Horner, a good friend to many fellow golfers at Ironwood, passed away recently. Larry played regularly in IMGA events and in the Odd Couple League and won the IMGA Club Championship three times! Joe D’Amore said that the last tip Larry gave him was to always aim my putts…

Sun Lakes Lady Niners

Sheila Barton It is certainly a great time for golf for the Sun Lakes Lady Niners. Cool in the morning, for which we can dress, and warm in the afternoons. In difficult times, sometimes being with your friends and golfing is all the therapy you need. As we wrap up 2020, which has been a…