Tag: golf

MOGA Weekly Results

Steve Engler AM AB/CD Scramble Flight 1: 1 Stodgel + Schwartz + Rector + Durham -15 57 2 Dodd + Muth + Ferrazza + Goodwin -12 60 3 Gaylord + Christoph + Fliethman + Bogaard -11 61 Flight 2: 1 Robertson + Leath + Williams + McCorkle -16 56 T2 Engler + Popham + Palmatier…

MOGA Updates

Steve Engler Happy December, Men’s Oakwood Golf Association (MOGA) members and friends! 2020 is nearly done, and we have had a truly interesting year with the stay-at-home orders and the record heat here in Arizona. The MOGA membership is growing, and we would welcome to add new golfers, so come join us! New World Handicap…

Men’s Niners October Golf Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity The mornings are cooler, and we are seeing more of the friendly faces of Niners who have been absent for a few months. Glad to see you again, guys. Reminder: When we return to the Oakwood courses in November, we are scheduled for 9 a.m. tee time starts. Please keep current with…

IMGA November News and Events

Bruce McCorkle Elections We are pleased to announce that we have a full slate of nominees for the IMGA 2021 officers. They are: * Robert Clark, President * Jerry Pederson, Vice President * Dan Jonker, Treasurer * Ross Serold, Secretary Wear a mask, please, before teeing off. I know we are all getting really tired of this…

OLGA Playday Results and News

Carol Smith We got off to a good start with our 1st golf after reseeding. It was cart path only, so we got to play at 150 yards out. What a treat. The winners in FLT 1: tied for 1st were Leslie Smith and Mary Perry; tied for 3rd were EJ Yoon, Glo Malmgberg, and…

Sun Lakes Lady Putters

Pictured (left to right): Shirley Goselin, Terry Sporleder, and Kathi Bobek

Susan Gottschalk The Sun Lakes Lady Putters are excited to begin the 2020-21 season, our 24th year. Our 23rd year was cut short because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and even our new year will be somewhat restrictive. Masks and social distancing will be required as we gather at the Palo Verde Ramada or at the…

Cottonwood Lady Niners: Ready, Set, Go!

Lorri Morgan, Publicity Well, that was a summer for the history books! But looking forward, Lady Niners is ready to kick off a new season of golf, fun, and friendship. Nov. 5 will be our first day of play. As of this writing (and we know things change), it will be tee times like we…

Cottonwood Men’s Thursday League: Latest News

Four participants in the Thursday League get ready to play using the new format (left to right): Ron Ryer, Spencer Roberts, Keith Nelson, and Randy McManus.

Penny Petersen Cottonwood Tennis Club (CTC) has canceled most of its tournaments and socials with other clubs, but all is not lost. The men’s and women’s leagues and the sign-ups for daily play are still going on. League Director Dave Cain of the Men’s Red and Green League, which meets on Thursday mornings, has made…

Ironwood Men’s Golf News and Events

John Chow, former IMGA Club Champion

Bruce McCorkle John Chow From Joe D’Amore: “It is with great sorrow that I announce the passing of one of our longtime members, John Chow. John was a former Club Champion. I always enjoyed playing golf with John and, from time to time, learning some of his golf techniques. Those of you who knew John,…