Tag: golf

PVLGA members enjoyed May golf

Liz DeMichael May was an incredible month to play golf in Sun Lakes. The heat held off for a while, and the Palo Verde Ladies took advantage of it. Take a look at some of the scores. 5/7 and 5/14. Match Play. In match play tournaments, the golfer earns a point for each hole in…

MOGA golf schedule

Wayne Karp, Men’s Oakwood Golf Association Your MOGA board is looking for someone to take over the Publicity Chair position. This is a key position in MOGA. What you read in the Sun Lakes Splash is prepared and written by the Publicity Chairman. This is important newsprint for us, as it tells the community what…

CWMGA playday results

Buddy Meola 5/04 and 5/05 – Cottonwood Palo Verde Men’s Ryder Cup Competition was won by the Palo Verde Men’s Club. Each winning team won $12. Lunch was served Saturday at the San Tan Ballroom. A brunch was held on the Palo Verde patio on Sunday. 5/11 – Ace of Aces is the monthly qualifier…

Awards all round for the Ironwood Lady Niners

Vicki Mendenhall and Beth Zdeblick April 10 turned out to be a great day for many of the IWLN golfers. Our awards brunch was planned by Bettie Far with help from Kay Blas, Sandy Roach, Dottie Mead and Barb Sletto. Deb Burns handed out the numerous awards won by the Niners. The following women received…

April was the best time for PVLGA golf

Liz DeMichael The beautiful April weather allowed the ladies at Palo Verde to play great golf with lots of wins and surprises… 4/02. Beat the Pro. The first tournament in April for the Palo Verde Ladies Golf Association (PVLGA) was one of the most entertaining: Beat the Pro! Each of the 81 golfers played their…

MOGA news and June schedule

Wayne Karp, Men’s Oakwood Golf Association Are you new to the area or just looking for a great way to spend time on the course and meet some new friends? We have over 350 members with golfers at every level. MOGA (Men’s Oakwood Golf Association) has an event each Thursday throughout the year. Why not…

Sun Lakes Lady Putters results

Susan Gottschalk We have just completed our 22nd season and look forward to vacationing somewhere much cooler, or going back home to see family and friends, or just enjoying the hot weather at home. Watch for Putter News in the September Splash for information regarding the start of a new season. Monday Flight: 4/08. Sharon…

Niners April golf results

Jim Wegman, Publicity Gentlemen, welcome your new board: President Lloyd Schaeffer, VP Bill Pender, Secretary Bruce Henderson. Sadly, I must report the passing of a former Niner, Mike Flannery. We offer our sincere condolences to Susan, Mike’s wife, and all the Flannery family. Play It Forward. Are you struggling or having mobility issues with your…

April 2019 PVMGA activities and results

Jim Roberts, Publicity As April began, the weather improved, giving us the promise of an exciting month of golfing activities ahead. On the weekend of April 6 and 7, the annual John Dobson Memorial Member-Guest Tournament was held. A total of 60 teams competed for the top prizes and bragging rights. On Saturday, the teams…

CMGA Presidents Cup

Buddy Meola The February 2 Saturday Ace of Aces qualifier tournament also included a qualifier for the 2019 Presidents Cup. This is an annual event which includes the top 64 net player from the February 2 event. It is a match play contest spread over six weeks. Each week, the field is halved until the…