Tag: golf

ILGA “Pretty in Pink” tournament results

Marcella Brown, Publicity Autumn 2017 is in full swing with a beautifully overseeded course readied for our full roster of events. Judy Darnell started her fall golf season with a hole-in-one on No. 17. Congratulations! The ILGA ladies were “Pretty in Pink” at their Member Guest tournament. Handmade items created by members and a few…

CMGA news and scores

Results of recent events: Ace of Aces Qualifier, September 30, 2017: Flight 1: 1st Gross Paul Brauer 75, 2nd Gross Kim Barnes 81, 1st Net Tom Baker 69, 2nd Net John Hill 70; Flight 2: 1st Gross Jack Goyer 73, 2nd Gross Larry Frink 77, 1st Net Michael Moore 62, 2nd Net Stan Gross 65;…

SLLGA 18 Holers results

Nancy Field Low Putts: Flight 1 – 1st Marci Koppelmaa, 2nd Joyce Switzky, 3rd (tie) Kelly Dennis and Pinky Kubiak Flight 2 – 1st Shirley Brenner, 2nd Jan Fletcher, 3rd (tie) Betty Peer, Donna Jones and Judi Kilgus Blind Partner: 1st Dang Parker and Donna Smid, 2nd Marci Koppelmaa and Kelly Dennis, 3rd Debbie Martin…

PVMGA September results

Bob Armstrong – Publicity So now, with few exceptions, our friends are back from their northern habitats where they no doubt spent the summer taking lessons and practicing long hours in preparation for the coming new Palo Verde golf season. The full-time residents are ready… Following is our report on the final events of last…

ILGA upcoming events

Two happy diners at an ILGA luncheon

Marcella Brown As we swing into our 2017-2018 season and all our winter residents return from their travels, please consider this. Our nominating committee is looking for willing members to volunteer for our board for 2018. Fun and satisfaction await those who take up a variety of open positions and do their part in the…

OLGA Charity Golf Tourney

Shirley Weaver On Tuesday, December 5, 2017, the Oakwood Ladies Golf Association will hold their annual Charity Event. This year, our charity will be “The American Service Animal Society.” ASAS is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to enabling disabled veterans to live a more productive life through the use of service animals. They are funded…

Sun Lakes Lady Niners news

Welcome to all returning from wherever summer happened to take you. Please note the Niners’ general meeting is at 10:00 a.m. on November 14 in the Friendship Room. Following the meeting, league golf play is at noon, so plan to check in at 11:30 a.m. Sign-up will be online with the Chelsea system at sunlakes.chelseareservations.com.…

Sun Lakes Lady Putters

Sun Lakes Lady Putters

Susan Gottschalk The Sun Lakes Lady Putters are looking forward to the start of the putting season. This is a fun weekly event, and if you would like to join, our season’s flight leaders, phone numbers and start dates are listed below: Sisk Park, Monday – Camille Jasien 895-8281, 9:00 a.m., October 30 Sisk Park,…

ILGA membership drive

Susan Utzinger The Ironwood Ladies’ Golf Association (18-hole league) will hold its annual membership drive on Thursday, December 14. Ladies who are seriously considering joining a golf league are most welcome to join us for a round of golf that day. You will be paired with other ILGA members. This is a great opportunity to…