Tag: golf

Palo Verde Men’s Golf Association Events

Jeff French The Palo Verde Men’s Golf Association (PVMGA) wrapped up the 2022-23 season with two fun events held around the course closings for overseeding. On Oct. 7 the men’s clubs at Palo Verde and Cottonwood teamed up for a Beat the Pros/Supers 2 Net Best Ball event at Cottonwood where seven teams were able…


Wayne Karp Wayne is a fine example of a person who “gives back.” In addition to having served on the HOA board and other service positions, he has done an amazing job of creating and maintaining the IMGA website and continues to share his time and talents for the benefit of his community. Thank you,…

Oakwood Lady Niners Golf League

Reggie Wegman There has been so much said about the heat and the records that were broken that we don’t have to belabor the point, so let’s move on. In 2002 a Buddy chairman was appointed to introduce the newest golfers to our league. The Buddy would explain our local rules and some of the…

Sun Lakes Lady Putters Preparing for Fall

Susan Gottschalk Look for us at our table at the Community Open Houses on Oct. 14, at Sun Lakes Phase 1 and/or Oct. 7 at Cottonwood. We look forward to meeting you! Joining the Sun Lakes Lady Putters is a great opportunity to renew friendships and make new friends and enjoy great exercise and fresh…


Sharma Goodwin Congratulations to Glo Malmberg for getting her fifth hole-in-one! Her great accomplishment happened on Aug. 3 while playing in the ILGA league. She used a 9 iron on the 10th hole at Ironwood Country Club for a distance of 93 yards. Nice going, Glo!

Niners July Golf Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity The Niners golf league just keeps growing, so welcome our newest members Richard Katz and Neil Anderson. Tee it up, guys. Just another timely reminder, our high heat levels can be very dangerous. One of our members experienced the effects of the heat after playing a few weeks ago. Be heat smart—cover…

SLLGA Results

Judy Wegener July was one for the record books this year, shattering the number of 110-degree days in a row at 31 days plus! The 18-holers started the month off with our traditional Plant Your Flag. 7/4/23 Plant Your Flag 1st Nadine Stark, 2nd Cat Lajune, 3rd Judy Wegener 7/11/23 Best 9 Net Flight 1:…

OLGA Results

Okay, let’s face it! It has been a brutally hot summer by setting all kinds of records, but a few faithful have continued to play each week. On July 11 we got to choose the best front or back nine. Terry Jung was the winner in Flight 1, followed by Lynda Jones, Susan La Salvia,…

Oakwood Lady Niners Golf League

Reggie Wegman Remember the mornings we were all complaining how cold it was? We had long pants on, hats, gloves, and scarves. Burr, it’s too cold for Arizona—hot coffee and cocoa in our drink jugs. Those days are gone for a few months, but they will be back. We now trudge along with jugs full…

Oakwood Lady Niners Golf League Travel Updates

Reggie Wegman The heat is on, as they say, but we hardy souls continue playing golf. We start early and play very loose. Gimmies are an absolute, and toss out of the sand traps is encouraged. It is still a good day, and we have a lot of laughs. The Niners recently visited Lavender Farm in Pine,…