Tag: golf

OLGA celebrates Margaritaville

Leann Knox on the left and Karen Welker on the right.

Leann Knox on the left and Karen Welker on the right.[/caption]Ruth Rees OLGA’s Member Guest tournament was aptly named Margaritaville this year. Festivities and refreshments began with a horse race mini-tournament on Monday afternoon, March 14, which featured hilarity, plus some kinds of golf skills not usually seen on the course. The full tournament began…

PVLGA news and views

Carol Myers, 2016 Club Champion

Carol Myers, 2016 Club Champion Janet Baron, Publicity Chairman 3/01. Fewest putts was the name of the game. We are all (without a doubt) familiar with the difficult and challenging greens at PV. Intense caution was implemented with each and every putt. The first flight winners were Tammy Visser, Mary Fitzke and Donna Purcell. Lee…

March Niners results

Members of the Men’s IronOaks Nine Hole Golf Association, the Niners, gather on the patio of the Oakwood clubhouse after enjoying a fantastic lunch (photo by league photographer Bruce McCorkle).

Members of the Men’s IronOaks Nine Hole Golf Association, the Niners, gather on the patio of the Oakwood clubhouse after enjoying a fantastic lunch (photo by league photographer Bruce McCorkle). Jim Wegman, Publicity The golfers attended the annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon on March 24 and also celebrated the 19th anniversary of the league. With…

18 Hole Couples Golf League news

Carole Schmidt If you are interested in joining a great group of people to play golf as a couple, consider joining Oakwood Couples 18 Hole Golf League. Our goal is to play golf, have fun and meet new people. You do not have to live in IronOaks or Sun Lakes to be a member. We…

Sun Lakes Lady Putters

Enjoying the Lady Putters’ spring lunch are front (left to right) Penny Angelina, Fran Schuring, Eileen Stroh and Bev Lundeen; standing are Eleanor Nicolosi, Sharon O’Sullivan, Faith Missildine, Nina Scinto and Marcia Guadioso.

Enjoying the Lady Putters’ spring lunch are front (left to right) Penny Angelina, Fran Schuring, Eileen Stroh and Bev Lundeen; standing are Eleanor Nicolosi, Sharon O’Sullivan, Faith Missildine, Nina Scinto and Marcia Guadioso. Susan Gottschalk The spring luncheon was held in the San Tan Ballroom at Cottonwood with President Jo Bryant presiding. The table centerpieces,…

OLNGA supports Hamilton High Girls’ Golf

Sharon Gale (left) and Margaret Johns present check to Hamilton High Girls’ Golf Coach Jeff Kain.

Sharon Gale (left) and Margaret Johns present check to Hamilton High Girls’ Golf Coach Jeff Kain. Ann Rounthwaite The Oakwood Lady Niners is a friendly, supportive group of women who enjoy playing nine holes of golf on Tuesday mornings and socializing together afterwards at lunch in the Poolside Grill or at league luncheons held about…

Men’s Oakwood Golf Association news

Wealth Management winners (left to right) R. Gielen, H. Neumann, B. Hewitt, B. Love and C. Rogers of Wealth Management.

Wealth Management winners (left to right) R. Gielen, H. Neumann, B. Hewitt, B. Love and C. Rogers of Wealth Management. Bob Greene, Publicity The Oakwood/Palo Verde Home and Home was played on March 24 and 26. There were 23 four man teams with two players from each Association making up a team. The winning team…

Cottonwood Lady Niners donate $6500 to SLFD

Sun Lakes Fire Department Captain Cory Evans and Cottonwood Lady Niner Sandy Jackson selling raffle tickets at the March 10 Member-Guest.

Sun Lakes Fire Department Captain Cory Evans and Cottonwood Lady Niner Sandy Jackson selling raffle tickets at the March 10 Member-Guest. A song and dance routine set to the music of You’re So Fine serenaded Sun Lakes firemen attending Member-Guest festivities March 10. Led by President Bette Lu Buchanan at the mic, the Lady Niner…

IMGA news and events

John Concannon, Publicity The tournaments have been completed and the champions crowned. Congratulations to the 2016 Ironwood champions: Peter Yoon, Club Champion, Don Noble, Super Senior Club Champion and Richard Scranton, Ironwood Cup Champion. Last year the Ironwood course yielded only one ace. This year, we have our first hole-in-one already in the first quarter.…

PVMGA – March results

Palo Verde 2016 member/guest champions, Gary Zahnow (left) and Gerry Kuczek

Palo Verde 2016 member/guest champions, Gary Zahnow (left) and Gerry Kuczek Bob Armstrong, Publicity Just as the days were becoming comfortably warm, our snowbird friends either started (or began thinking about) packing for the trek north where we know there is always a chance of snow. We full-timers just don’t understand it. The March report…