Tag: golf

Sun Lakes Lady Niners

Sheila Barton Karen is teeing up on a par 4 and is not feeling confident at all, so she gets out one of her old balls. As she is teeing up, she hears a voice, “Karen,” it says, “use the good ball.” Karen looks around, thinks for a minute, then decides to go with her…

Cottonwood Lady Niners Host Member/Guest Tournament

The annual Cottonwood Lady Niners Member/Guest tournament was held on March 16 with a field of 120 golfers. Prior to play of a fun-filled scramble, ladies could view (and hope to win) an array of beautiful gift baskets. They also had a chance to bid on an opportunity to play 18 holes of golf with each…

Sun Lakes Lady Putters

Susan Gottschalk The spring luncheon was held April 7 at Cottonwood. Lunch was enjoyed, and raffle tickets sold highlighted the afternoon. Raffle drawings support our donations to local charities. We seem to have gone from winter to summer temps without having many spring temps to enjoy on the putting course. Monday Flight: March 13: Shauna…

MOGA News and Scores

President’s Cup Garry Loncon persevered and pulled out a narrow one-point victory over Jeffery Cohen in the three-week MOGA President’s Cup Tournament (216 vs. 217). While Jeffery stood alone in second place and Lee Smith was the only third place winner, fourth place was shared with Rodger Brandt, Eddie Cauffman, Kirwan Flannery, Gary Leath, James…

PVLGA Playday Results

Susan Lamb March 7 was the second week of the Presidents Cup competition (net score). Diane Kruse won the overall championship with a two-day low net of 118. She was not the only winner, as five ladies in each of the four flights also won honors and some chits. Flight 1: 1st Paddy Newton, 2nd…

IMGA News and Events

Hole-in-One Club: It was a very cold but sunny day on Dec. 13, and Bob Love made a perfect swing with his 12-year-old pitching wedge into a slight breeze on the 115-yard 4th hole at Ironwood and made a hole-in-one! Lightning struck twice on the same day when 82-year-old Chuck Goodwin made his first hole-in-one…

IMGA Golfer of the Month

If you met an industrial engineer, attorney, information technology manager, biker who survived a 400-mile ride, husband of 54 years, father of three, grandfather of four, and golfer who has scored a 4 under par 63 at Ironwood, you have partially described the IMGA Golfer of the Month, Dick Boscombe. Dick was born in Swansea,…

OLGA Results

Siri picked our Ghost Holes on Jan. 10. Bev Chipman and Glo Malmberg liked the holes she picked, because they tied for first place in the first flight. Mary Figgis and Leslie Smith came in third and fourth. In the second flight, Linda Smith was first, Terry Jung was second, and Phyllis D’Amore was third,…