Tag: veterans

Desert Navy Update

Richard Volpe The Desert Navy is looking forward to a fresh start for us all as we welcome in the new year. Our normal scheduling will continue as before, with meetings held in the months of September through April. Keep your calendars close by, as there have been some changes relating to times, days, and…

Korean War Veterans

Rich Volpe, Chapter Commander Our organization would like to extend our appreciation for all the support you provided over the past year, and we’re looking forward to a fresh new start as we approach new challenges in the year ahead. Things are getting back to normal, and our meeting schedule has been firmed up. Meetings…

Daughters of the American Revolution

Thank you to all in the Sun Lakes community who supported Gila Butte DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) at our Treasure Hunt Sales on Nov. 11 and 18. We made over $2,000. This money is used for educational awards, help for veterans, and other charitable projects. We have raised over $1,844 for Wreaths Across…

Korean War Veterans

Rich Volpe, Chapter Commander Our organization would like to extend our appreciation for all the support you all provided over the past year, and we’re looking forward to a fresh new start as we enter into the 2024 new era. After coming off a challenging year, things are getting back to normal, and our meeting…

Desert Navy Update

Richard Volpe We’re looking forward to a fresh start for us all as we welcome in the new year. Our normal scheduling will continue as before, with meetings held in the months of September through April. Keep your calendars close by, as there are some changes related to times, days, and locations of future meetings.…

IronOaks Veterans Celebration Breakfast Highlights

Reggie Wegman A wonderful tribute to our men and women in the military was held in the Oakwood clubhouse. The event was sponsored by various groups. John Reyhons introduced the event with a moving tribute to all the veterans in the audience. The Chordaires entertained the more than 180 attendees with a round of patriotic…

Korean War Veterans

As we approach the holiday season, our club would like to thank you all for your support throughout the year and wish you all a happy holiday season. Sharing time with friends and family, wherever you may be, is time that makes these days so special and enjoyable for all. As we head into the…