Category: Sports

Ironwood Lady Niners Will See You in October

Beth Zdeblick Although some Lady Niners were able to continue to golf over these past few months, league play was officially over in mid-March due the coronavirus pandemic. If all is well in the world, the Ironwood Lady Niners (IWLN) will begin league play on Oct. 16, 2020. The league looks forward to once again…

Softball Stats for Traditionalists

Record-setter and league leader Reyes Gonzales (Photo courtesy of Mug Shot Studios)

Larry Wolfe Why do most baseball and softball fans and players love statistics? It’s probably because stats give the game historical context and allow for the comparison of various accomplishments from the past to the present. They also are used to measure the performance of each player versus others on his team and in his…

Cottonwood Men’s Tennis—Summer League 2020

The Men's Summer League at Cottonwood practices social distancing.

Penny Petersen The bravest guys in the Cottonwood Tennis Club are those participating in the Thursday Summer League. While most other players are leaving for their summer homes or traveling to get away from the heat, these guys play all summer long at 8:30 a.m. on Thursdays. Temperatures are often above 90 degrees by the…

SLLGA Results

Judy Wegener The days are heating up, and social distancing is the new norm. Golf is considered essential outdoor recreation, so the ladies league plays on! April 7:  2 Low Nets: 1st Judy Wegener, Judy Bray, Unni Foster, and Betty Peer; 2nd Lynda Smith, Betty Ulrich, Judy Mical, and Cathy LaMothe; 3rd (tie) Penny Nowicki,…

Tennis Club News

At the table are Tony Horn, Ed Campion, Dan Thorsen, Faye Haynes, and Rick Kendall.

Jerry Vance Like most everyone else, the Sun Lakes Tennis Club is doing nothing but staying our six feet away from everyone else. We did have elections for officers for 2020-21. Results were President Ed Campion, Vice President Dan Thorsen, Secretary Faye Haynes, Treasurer Tony Horn, Tournament Director Rick Kendall. Committees are Sunshine and Scrapbooks Donna…

April PVLGA Results

Christine Lecoutre Pandemic or heat wave could not deter our PVLGA lady golfers. Val Verbeck even had a hole-in-one on number 6. Congratulations, Val! Of course, the bar was closed, so we will have to wait to celebrate properly. The President’s Cup was played as planned on April 21 and 28. The results follow, as…

The Strike Zone: Hits & Misses Bowling League

Ruth Andersen High Scratch Series: March 2. Men: Tim Billman 650, Bob Welch 601; Women: Ruth Andersen 492, Tammy Visser 486 March 9. Men: Ron Cox 616, Bob Welch 609; Women: Tammy Visser 517, Sheryl Anderson 463 March 16. Men: Bob Welch 598, Tim Billman 564; Women: Phyllis Kreglo 460, Ruth Andersen 436 545 High Scratch…

CMGA April Results

Buddy Meola Golf continued to be played using the social distancing recommendations of the Arizona governor and health officials. Many of our Canadian members had departed for home, so the fields were smaller but just as competitive. April 4 was the Ace of Aces Qualifier. The Low Gross and Low Net scores from each flight…

PVMGA Results for April Golf

Jim Roberts, Publicity With April came the continuation of the COVID-19 precautions with the challenges for social distancing. Everyone was able to use their own golf cart, but there were no shotgun starts, so it took most of the day to get all of the game participants’ rounds completed. But we still had a great…