
Ironwood Ladies Swing for Hope

Sharma Goodwin and Sue Pederson The Ironwood Ladies Golf Association (ILGA) in Chandler held its annual charity Swing for Hope golf event on April 8 at the Ironwood Golf Course. This is one of ILGA’s most significant annual events and raises money for the University of Arizona Cancer Center in Tucson. The Swing for Hope…

Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association April Results

Buddy Meola The Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association (CMGA) started April 3 with the monthly Ace of Aces Qualifier. The Low Gross and Low Net players from each flight will qualify for the Ace of Aces tournament in early 2022. First Flight: Low Gross Bob Tomsett, Low Net Don Vock; Second Flight: Low Gross Dennis Chenier,…

Cowboys, Rustlers, and the Pleasant Valley War Gila Co., Arizona:A Once in a Lifetime Adventure for Serious Arizona History Buffs

Bob Stuart Arizona Pathfinders, a nonprofit volunteer group of the Arizona Historical Society, is conducting a five-day tour (Thursday through Monday) on Sept. 9 to 13, 2021, to one of the most beautiful valleys in Arizona, tucked under the Mogollon Rim. This was the site of America’s bloodiest decade of frontier violence. It exploded into…

IMGA June News and Events

Mike Willinger Dan Yonker, Treasurer Dan offered that we still have a surplus over last year. He offered we will have to take a hard look at next year’s financial planning and consider known or anticipated increases in some costs. Bill Ranney, Greens and Grounds The tree trimming continues on the course. A message will…

Spooner PT Captures Sun Division Crown

The Champs: Front (kneeling, left to right): Jon Hendrikse, Paul Gayer, Bob Reed, and Rick Oien. Back (left to right): Sam Giordano, Tom Schneider, Dave Waibel, Randy Neumann, Marty Hobby, and Kelly Anderson

Larry Wolfe In the opening game of the Sun Division Softball Tournament, Manager Randy Neumann’s Spooner PT team cruised to an easy 19-7 victory over Manager Mike Gloyd’s Redeemed Team. Lead-off hitter Paul Gayer led the Therapists’ attack, going 4 for 4, while Tom Schneider and Dan Melosi hit long balls for the winners. Tom…

June MOGA Schedule

Steve Engler As we approach the summer season, the Men’s Oakwood Golf Association (MOGA) offers our year-round members a weekly schedule of exciting events and opportunities to socialize with their fellow golfers. In June, we will have events such as ABCD Team Events and Best Balls in the morning and Individual Low Nets in the…

The Sun Lakes Lady Niners

Sheila Barton The month of April was the last month of league play for the Sun Lakes Lady Niners, and many of our snowbirds have already gone home. On April 27 we had our annual Pizza Party at Mulligans with pizza, cupcakes, and a reduced price on drinks. Golf balls were given out for chip-ins…


Mary Nelson April 13 and 20 Eclectic Results: Flight 1 (0-16): 1st (tie) Mary Nelson and Rachel Railville, 3rd Carole Guild; Flight 2 (17-20): 1st (tie) Lucsa Buzbee and Tammy Visser, 3rd (tie) Dolores Allard and Christy Thomas; Flight 3 (21-23): 1st Denise Orthen, 2nd Phyllis Chase, 3rd Julie Curran; Flight 4 (24-27): 1st Elaine…

OLGA Continues to Have Good Player Turnouts

Fran Morin's hole-in-one

Kathy Burns Oakwood Ladies Golf Association (OLGA) continues to have a good turnout of players on Tuesdays, and many women have been winning money. On April 13 the POD was T.E.N.s, and 25 of the 56 players won. In Flight 1, the winner was Mary Perry. Tied for second were Leslie Smith and Cindy Reinertsen.…

Niners April 2021 Golf Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity The warm weather is here, our time schedule is changing, and the field crew is preparing for some heavy work on the courses. As we begin earlier tee times, you may see some of the crew still working when we play through. Give them a wave and time to clear the fairway.…