Penny Petersen When it’s 82 degrees at 7:00 a.m. and 110 degrees by noon, it takes hardy souls to venture onto the tennis court. Normal play times for the Cottonwood Tennis Club are 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. But nobody in their right mind would subject themselves to heat stroke. So, in the summer, CTC…
Tag: Cottonwood Tennis Club
Sports, July 2018
48 players participate in CTC’s Long Summer League
Penny Petersen The only league taking place this summer is the Cottonwood Men’s League. It extends for the longest time, beginning in late April and continuing until October. The best part for the guys is that they don’t have to be there every week. This gives them a chance for cruises, visits to family in…
Clubs & Classes, June 2018
Spring leagues at Cottowood end with successful outcomes
Penny Petersen Cottonwood Tennis Club’s men’s and women’s spring leagues have concluded. Annually, there are the Monday Women’s League for higher-ranked women players, Tuesday Men’s League for lower-ranked men’s players, Wednesday Women’s League for lower-ranked women’s players and a Thursday Men’s League for higher-ranked male players. Spring winners for the Wednesday Woman’s League were…
Sports, June 2018
Cottonwood competition wraps up—but tennis goes on
Penny Petersen The East West Tournament wrapped up the competitive season for Cottonwood Tennis Club, but tennis continues throughout the summer. Two days of East West competition was a nail-biter. East represents all tennis members who live east of Alma School Road. West is all those living west of Alma School. The score was…
Sports, May 2018
Cottonwood Tennis Club Picnic included games, music, food and fun
Penny Petersen Cottonwood Tennis Club’s end-of-the-season picnic didn’t include tennis. It featured competition in bocce ball, bean bag toss and putting. Winners collected tickets, and a drawing was held for prizes. A long line formed for food while The Rokuseks entertained with a variety of familiar tunes. But best of all was the camaraderie…
Clubs & Classes, May 2018
Tennis Couples enjoy game and friendship
Penny Petersen What’s good for your heart, muscles and making friends? Tennis! In the Cottonwood Tennis Club, there are 28 couples who make tennis an enjoyable part of their lives together. We picked three and asked them about themselves. Horst and Dorothea Flachsmann came to Sun Lakes as snowbirds in 1997. They originally lived…
Sports, March 2018
Cottonwood Tennis Club holds 1st big tournament of the year
Penny Petersen After what seemed like a long holiday break, the Cottonwood Tennis Club held its first tournament of the year with Men’s Doubles and Women’s Doubles in four different ability levels. Cottonwood rates players according to skill level with Red being highest, then green, blue and black. A beginning level is orange, but…
Sports, February 2018
CTC holds Gender Doubles tournament
Sports, February 2018
Cottonwood Tennis Club offers free lessons to newcomers and members
Penny Petersen Cottonwood Tennis Club has a long history of introducing newcomers to the joys of tennis as well as providing competitive and non-competitive ways to enjoy the sport. One of the best offerings CTC has is the free lessons provided every Monday and Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. from early October through April. The…
Sports, April 2017
Cottonwood Tennis Club Mixed Doubles Tourney results
From February 13 to 17, Cottonwood Tennis Club held its annual Mixed Doubles tournament. Many thanks to Ernie and his team of Mary Ann Rice, Adriana Michael, Bruce Garman, Kathy Moliter and Edith Tanniru. We would also like to thank Marna Brooks, Susan Garman and their helpers for coordinating the food court all week. Cannon…