Tag: CTC

CTC Elects a New Board

Cottonwood Tennis Club (CTC) recently selected a new board of directors. The new board consists of President Rick Kendall, Vice President Mike Zeman, Secretary Barb Jorgensen, Treasurer Cindy McCarville, Tournament Director Dean Sinerius, and Past President Maryann Sinerius. This group will make decisions about finances, number of tournaments and socials, and rules for signing up…

CTC’s Gender Doubles Tournament a Big Success!

Penny Petersen Cottonwood Tennis Club’s Gender Doubles Tournament began Monday, Jan. 9, and continued through Saturday, Jan. 14. The format was a round robin with each team playing four preliminary rounds over the first five days, and the finals were held on Saturday. Of the 68 matches, 17 went to 10-point tie-breakers. It was very…

CTC Hosts a Social with Palm Creek

Penny Petersen The first Social of the new year was held on Jan. 21. Palm Creek is in Casa Grande, so our opponents had to drive quite a ways for the experience. However, Casa Grande defeated Cottonwood Tennis Club (CTC), so that made the ride home a lot easier. There were 30 matches. Palm Creek…

CTC Mixed Doubles: The First Two Days

Penny Petersen Cottonwood Tennis Club’s Mixed Doubles Tournament began on Feb. 5 and ended Feb. 11 (a day after the deadline for the Splash). There were 48 participants at three different levels: Red (the highest level), Green (the second level), and Blue (the third level). Winners in each level will be reported in the April…

Cottonwood Tennis Gender Doubles, the First Day

Penny Petersen Cottonwood Tennis Club’s Gender Doubles Tournament began Jan. 9. The finals were on Jan. 14. Because the Splash deadline for February is Jan. 10, you will see results for day one only. Winners in each category will be reported for the March issue. The categories are Red, Green, and Blue. That’s six results: Red…

CTC’s First “Social” a Great Success

Penny Petersen On Oct. 29 Cottonwood Tennis Club (CTC) hosted players from Sun Lakes Country Club and SunBird. A Social is a one-day event designed to bring tennis lovers from the Sun Lakes area together for friendly play, lunch, and desserts. The object, of course, is to win your match, but making new friends from…

CTC Free Open Tennis, Happy Hour, and More!

Penny Petersen Something exciting is happening at the Cottonwood Tennis courts. The Cottonwood Palo Verde Homeowners Association Board approved a new outreach program that allows anyone from Sun Lakes and nearby communities to play Thursday evenings beginning at 7 p.m. at the Cottonwood courts. No need to join, no cost to players. All ability levels…

OOPS! Apology to CTC—Your Publicity Chair Screwed Up

Penny Petersen Cottonwood’s Mixed Doubles Tournament was one of the best this season. It began on Sunday, Feb. 6, and play concluded on Saturday, Feb. 12. A report on the winners was in the March Splash. But one thing was wrong. The captions under two of the three photos were incorrect. Due to unclear directions…

Bradshaw/Neu Memorial Tournament Is Always Best of the Season

The Bradshaw/Neu Memorial Tournament is the only tournament of the year open to players from Cottonwood Palo Verde, IronOaks, Sun Lakes Country Club, Springfield, and SunBird. All teams were either Men’s or Women’s Doubles. There are no Mixed Doubles at this event. The week-long tournament began on Sunday, Nov. 7, and concluded with the finals…

Free Tennis Clinics Resume After COVID Cancelations

Pierre Moresi (center) is the director of the clinics. His teaching assistants include (left to right) Paul Eskridge, Barb Jorgensen, Kathy Sundsrud, and Jenette Curran.

Penny Petersen For years, Cottonwood Tennis Club (CTC) offered free tennis clinics weekly, beginning in September and continuing through April. Don Neu, former Cottonwood Pro, started the classes in the early ‘80s. After Don’s passing, Pierre Moresi took over the clinics with the help of Al Wagner, Ollie Johnson, Joan Osoinach, and others. Anyone who…