Tag: Niners

Niners January 2021 Golf Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity 2021 is well under way, and so is the Niners 2020 Championship Tournament. The play will be net scores, best two games out of three on the three Oakwood courses. Winners: 1/07/21 2 Best Net Balls Palms. 1st Larry Munson, Greg Sutton, Bruce Henderson, Roger Rusche; 2nd Jerry Richards, Larry Swanson, Pete…

Niners December Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity Membership: John Britz just sponsored a new member, Mark Bernier. So, thanks, John, and welcome, Mark, and another new member, Jim Hooyman. Welcome, Jim. Winners: 12/03/20 Skins Sonoran. Winners by team numbers: (1) Frank Pender, Lloyd Schaeffer, Mark Nilsen, Bill Pender; (2) Bruce McCorkle, Erich Tiepel, Bob Pender; (3) Ed Anderson, Bob Clark,…

Niners December 2019 Golf Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity The 2019 Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon is history. Our 23rd year as a golf league has begun. The Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon featured some great food, prizes, and laughs. The Niners 2019 Club Champions: Flight A: Lloyd Schaeffer, B: Bill Stoutenberg, C: Mike Stewart, D: Jim Campbell Annual Award Winners:…

Niners November Golf Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity As we approach year’s end, the board members of the Niners, committee members, and game managers extend season’s greetings to all our members and their families. May 2020 bring us good health, happiness, wonderful memories, and great golf experiences. Hey, we have two new members: Waldo Downey, sponsored by David Mork; and…

Niners September Golf Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity The mornings are getting cooler; the sun rises later and sets earlier. These are sure signs that our golf course overseed program has begun. Superintendent Ross Buckendahl and his crew are preparing to dig in and change the courses to winter grass. And in a few weeks, we will begin to see…

Niners July golf results

Jim Wegman, Publicity We are seeing some hot mornings, and an Arizona summer golf outing can be dangerous if you are not prepared for it. Remember to hydrate before you go out to the course and bring along a few extra containers of liquid. Skip the alcoholic beverages, or save them for after golf. Sport…

Niners June golf results

  Jim Wegman, Publicity League members voted recently on some changes to our Constitution and By-Laws, and Secretary Bruce Henderson is currently working on a new version of the C&BLs. Thanks, Bruce. Hey, let’s welcome new members Ed Werner and Jim Lankford, sponsored by Lloyd Schaeffer. Welcome, guys, and good work, Lloyd. Winners 6/6/19 Fewest…

Niners May golf results

Jim Wegman, Publicity This is the time of the year when we say “goodbye” to our winter golfers. We hope you arrive safely at your summer destinations and have a great time there. Just remember, travel safely back to IronOaks. We will be waiting for you when the leaves start to fall. We have a…

Niners April golf results

Jim Wegman, Publicity Gentlemen, welcome your new board: President Lloyd Schaeffer, VP Bill Pender, Secretary Bruce Henderson. Sadly, I must report the passing of a former Niner, Mike Flannery. We offer our sincere condolences to Susan, Mike’s wife, and all the Flannery family. Play It Forward. Are you struggling or having mobility issues with your…

Niners March golf results

Jim Wegman, Publicity The annual Membership Meeting-Awards Luncheon was held on March 28 at the Oakwood clubhouse. The major focus of the meeting was to make changes in the C&B L’s and conduct the election for the new board of directors. I am pleased to announce that Lloyd Schaeffer is now the president, Bill Pender…