Penny Petersen Cottonwood Tennis Club’s Gender Doubles Tournament began Monday, Jan. 9, and continued through Saturday, Jan. 14. The format was a round robin with each team playing four preliminary rounds over the first five days, and the finals were held on Saturday. Of the 68 matches, 17 went to 10-point tie-breakers. It was very…
Tag: Cottonwood Tennis Club
Sports, March 2023
CTC Hosts a Social with Palm Creek
Sports, March 2023
CTC Mixed Doubles: The First Two Days
Penny Petersen Cottonwood Tennis Club’s Mixed Doubles Tournament began on Feb. 5 and ended Feb. 11 (a day after the deadline for the Splash). There were 48 participants at three different levels: Red (the highest level), Green (the second level), and Blue (the third level). Winners in each level will be reported in the April…
Sports, February 2023
Cottonwood Tennis Gender Doubles, the First Day
Penny Petersen Cottonwood Tennis Club’s Gender Doubles Tournament began Jan. 9. The finals were on Jan. 14. Because the Splash deadline for February is Jan. 10, you will see results for day one only. Winners in each category will be reported for the March issue. The categories are Red, Green, and Blue. That’s six results: Red…
Front Page, January 2023
New Offerings from Cottonwood Tennis Club
Penny Petersen The board of Cottonwood Tennis Club (CTC) recently approved a new category of membership, “Social Membership.” Designed for spouses and relatives of players, the $30 membership fee entitles members to attend events, join in our breakfast/lunches, and volunteer to help with other needs of the club, as well as enjoying the camaraderie. The…
Sports, December 2022
CTC’s First “Social” a Great Success
Penny Petersen On Oct. 29 Cottonwood Tennis Club (CTC) hosted players from Sun Lakes Country Club and SunBird. A Social is a one-day event designed to bring tennis lovers from the Sun Lakes area together for friendly play, lunch, and desserts. The object, of course, is to win your match, but making new friends from…
Clubs & Classes, December 2022
Ollie Johnson Wins Gold Medal at the Huntsman’s World Senior Games
Penny Petersen One of Cottonwood Tennis Club’s best players, Ollie Johnson, and her Mixed Doubles partner Terry Jackson of Albuquerque, N.M., won the Gold medal recently at the Huntsman’s World Senior Games held in St. George, Utah. They competed in the age 70-74 category in Mixed Doubles and were seeded as the number one team.…
Sports, December 2022
Opening Matches at Bradshaw/Neu Memorial Charity Tournament
Penny Petersen The six-day charity tournament began with some outstanding matches. The tournament doesn’t end until Saturday, Nov. 12 (after the Splash deadline), so we’ll give you a teaser and report the final statistics next month. The opening match on Center Court was a doozy. Bob Lewis and Roger Diddock competed against Al Mein and Bill…
Sports, November 2022
Bradshaw-Neu Tourney Raises Money for Charity
Penny Petersen The most exciting tournament of the year is coming up in November. It’s the Bradshaw-Neu Charity Tournament held at the Cottonwood courts. The week-long tournament begins Sunday, Nov. 6, and runs through Saturday, Nov. 12. It’s open to players (whether they belong to a club or not) from Cottonwood Palo Verde, IronOaks, Sun…
Front Page, September 2022
Thursday Night Drop-in Tennis Open to Everyone
Penny Petersen Drop-in tennis at Cottonwood on Thursday nights is now open to non-members and even people who don’t live in Sun Lakes. This is a new program to encourage people to participate. The Thursday night drop-in has been going on for many years, but it was only open to those attending the Monday night…