Reggie Wegman Welcome to our new members Anne, Sharon, Patty, Denise, Mary Ann, Connie, Cathy, Dianna, Joni, and Robin and our new social gal Sheila. Some of these ladies are returning members. We hope you enjoy being with a great bunch of ladies, and remember to stop and have lunch with us after golf. Before…
Tag: Oakwood Lady Niners
Sports, July 2023
Oakwood Lady Niners Golf League Travel Updates
Sports, March 2023
Oakwood Lady Niners Golf League
Sports, February 2023
Oakwood Lady Niners Golf League
Reggie Wegmans As you all know, we had a Lady Niner who needed medical assistance on a play day in December. If anyone on the golf course needs assistance, please do not hesitate to call for help. When dialing 911, you will be asked, “Police, Fire, or Medical?” Give the reason for calling, and then…
Sports, January 2023
Oakwood Lady Niners Golf League
Reggie Wegman Our luncheon was wonderful, thanks to our meal planner Sue Boucher. Birdie and chip-in winners are Cora Levensky, Reggie Wegman, Joyce Parker, Pam Matassarin, Sue Boucher, Barbara Stewart, Laurie Olsen, Janis Gustafson, Linda Liberti, Darla McCracken, Ila Kraayenbrink, Colleen Duke, and Rachel Enloe. There are a few dates coming up, so please mark…
Sports, January 2022
Oakwood Lady Niners Golf League
Reggie Wegman Our Christmas Scramble and Luncheon was a great success. The Ugly Sweater Contest was not so ugly. Actually, some of them were pretty darn cute. Kathy Chebuhar, our president, installed the new officers: Pam Matassarin, president; Loy Rheinauer, vice president; Lynn Matassarin, secretary; and Rachel Enloe, treasurer. Thank you, Kathy and the members…
Sports, December 2021
Oakwood Lady Niners News and Events
Reggie Wegman Congratulations to all the ladies who played the Welcome Back Scramble and attended the luncheon. There were three teams that tied for first place! Cora Levenski was closest to the pin on hole number 2 Lakes. Remember to check your chit account at the clubhouse. Chits must be spent in the year earned.…
Generals, November 2020
Oakwood Lady Niners Looking for New Golfers. Come Join the Fun!
Molly Bergesen The Oakwood Lady Niners are actively looking for new players to join their golfing group. The Oakwood Lady Niners (OLNGA) play each Tuesday morning. As a member, you are not required to play every Tuesday; play the Tuesdays you can. Our group is very friendly. It’s always our hope to play good golf…
Sports, March 2020
Oakwood Lady Niners News
Susan Meer Winter is almost over, and the OLNGA members are actively playing golf. We welcomed the following new members in January and February: Christine Berney, Shirley Moore, RoseAnne Rinderknecht and Rita Ginberg (a returning member). Winners for the month of January: Jan. 7: Flight 1: Joyce Parker and Bonnie Tasch tied for 1st place,…
Sports, November 2019
Lady Niners will host a “Get to know us” event – November 18
Molly Bergesen “Get to Know Us”—the Oakwood Lady Niners will be hosting a coffee/tea/cookies on Monday, Nov. 18, in the Bradford Room at Oakwood. We welcome all who have played with us previously and all who want to get to know us and hopefully become part of our wonderful group. Oakwood Lady Niners Golf Association is…