We started enjoying warmer golfing weather in February. We held the Ladies Derby event on Feb. 18. Twelve ladies had to qualify based on gross score, and then people bet on those ladies who they thought would win. Spectators were allowed to drive their golf carts all over the course and follow the players. They…
Tag: Results
Sports, March 2024
Niners January 2024 Results
Jim Wegman, Publicity Welcome to 2024. We started our Low Gross Tournament on a cold, windy morning, but the weather and the golfers warmed up in short order. Membership. Be sure to welcome our newest members Steve Eppert, Alan Aken, Mark Stoimenoff, and Jim Thompson. Winners: 01/04/24 Two Best Net Balls Palms. 1st Bob Gresen, Jerry Pederson,…
March 2024, Sports
SLLGA Results
Nadine Stark It was a cold and wet January, but we still had some great times on the golf course. We also started our Monday mixer. It is nine holes with a meal and awards following golf at Mulligans. 1/09 Par 3s Only 1st: Pam Sebela, Moe Schoenwalder, Kathy Schneider, Carol Smith 2nd: (tie) Donna…
March 2024, Sports
CMGA January Results
Buddy Meola January started out with an Ace of Aces Qualifier on Jan. 6. The low gross and low net scores from each flight will qualify for the Ace of Aces Championship to be played at the end of the year. Blue Flight: Low Gross Tom Kastelitz, Low Net Bruce Pape White Flight 1: Low…
February 2024, Sports
December CMGA Event Results
February 2024, Sports
Oakwood Mens Niners Results
Jim Wegman, Publicity It is my sad duty to report the passing of David Peters, a longtime and active member from 2004 to 2022, when health problems kept him off the course. David was a former president of the Niners, serving 2013-2014. Most of all, David was a good guy and fun to have in…
Sports, January 2024
SLLGA Results
Judy Wegener November was the kick-off month for the holiday season. We are especially grateful for the reopening of the golf course after overseed. It’s so good to see many of our lady golfers return to enjoy the upcoming season! 10/31/23 Ghost Holes Flight 1: 1st (tie) Moe Schoenwalder and Nadine Stark, 3rd (tie) Sandi…
December 2023, Sports
Sun Lakes Lady Putters Results
Susan Gottschalk Sun Lakes Lady Putters have just started their 17th season, and we’re looking forward to this fun weekly event. The Christmas Luncheon will be held in the San Tan Ballroom of Cottonwood Country Club on Dec. 6, with entertainment provided by the Chordaires. Many raffle prizes will be awarded to the lucky winners.…
Clubs & Classes, November 2019
Other Card Results
Tuesday Cribbage 9/03. 1st Jean Drenthe 12-84, 2nd Richard Lewin 11-92, 3rd Ron Mohrland 11-38, 4th Pat Donahue 11-36, Low Donna Smid 2 – -134, 24 Hand Bob Mariano, 24 Hand Richard Lewin 9/10. 1st (tie) Cele Kuepper and Nancy O’Donnell 12-58, 3rd Onalee Flicker 16-46, Low Pat Donahue 3 – -48, 24 Hand Jeff…