Tag: tennis

IronOaks Tennis Club Year-End Tennis Bash

Carole Rockland, Publicity Chair, IronOaks Tennis Club Almost 70 members of the IronOaks Tennis Club gathered to send off the snowbirds and celebrate the end of a good season on the tennis courts. Some members braved the heat to play tennis, and many others joined for a chance to socialize, enjoy an evening meal, and…

IronOaks Tennis Club Shares the Love

Love was in the air on Saturday, Feb. 12, at the IronOaks tennis courts. Over 40 participants from all Robson tennis clubs enjoyed two hours of social tennis followed by ice cream sundaes and Valentine treats. As a special surprise, 10 lucky winners were awarded Valentine sunglasses as door prizes. Thanks to organizers Carole Rockland,…

Cottonwood Tennis Club Elects Officers for 2022

Penny Petersen The 2022 officers for the Cottonwood Tennis Club were elected at the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner held at Palo Verde on Feb. 17. They are Maryann Sinerius, president; Rick Kendall, vice president; Barb Jorgensen, secretary; Cindy McCarville, treasurer; and Jay Ketter, tournament director. Cannon Hill will remain on the board as past president. This…

Cottonwood Mixed Doubles Tournament Winners Announced

Penny Petersen Tournament Director Jay Ketter announced the winners of the Mixed Doubles Tournament after a week of competition. The tournament began Sunday, Feb. 6, and play was completed on Saturday, Feb. 12. The Championship games were in three categories (Blue, Green, and Red). Red is the highest ability level, and Blue is the lowest.…

Jason Morton Tennis Tournament 2022 Highlights

This year, the 2022 Jason Morton Memorial Tournament attracted 218 entrants. Most are locals or from the surrounding cities such as Tucson, but some came as far as Washington State, Oregon, Minnesota, and Chicago. This annual Level 5 tournament covers all divisions from Open, Age, Men and Ladies Singles/Doubles, and NTRP-rated players. Many came out…

IronOaks Tennis Tip

Kwong Young Do you have or are you aware of Spatial Awareness? This is when a player knows where they are on the court in relation to where the ball is, as well as where their opponent is on the court. They track the ball better and, therefore, hit a better-quality shot targeted for zones…

Sun Lakes Tennis Club Tournament Results

Jerry Vance Successful tournaments were held with Springfield on Jan. 22, and with SunBird Tennis Club on Feb. 5. Good play, good food, wonderful people, and everyone enjoying themselves. Thanks to Jerry for the pictures, and to Ed, Dan, and Rina and everyone who pitched in. Although we were supposed to host these events (including…

Tennis Club Banquet

Jerry Vance Thanks to everyone who attended the Tennis Club Banquet. Cottonwood did a great job of serving us. The food was appetizing, and it was so good to see everyone and have a chance to socialize. Thanks to Ed for arranging the dinner, Chris for selecting and serving the cake, and Ralph for conducting…

1st Annual Grand Slam Tournament Supports Neighbors Who Care, Inc.

Neighbors Who Care provides much-needed assistance in Sun Lakes and the surrounding communities. Let’s come together and support this organization. Your generosity is truly appreciated. Please join us on Sunday, March 22, for our 1st Annual Grand Slam Tennis Tournament at IronOaks Tennis Club. This charitable event is sponsored by IronOaks, Sun Lakes, Cottonwood Palo…

Cottonwood Tennis Loses Long-Time Teacher Pierre Moresi

Penny Petersen For many years, Pierre Moresi spent every Monday night at the tennis courts teaching beginning players the joy of tennis as well as helping other players upgrade their skills. On Thursday evenings, he was there, too, supervising drop-in play. The free clinics he and Don Neu started have become an institution. His students…