Tag: tennis

Tennis Tip of the Month

Coach Kwong Young In life, we all have decisions to make. Young adults choosing the college of their choice. What items to purchase at the grocery store, along with your finances—how to make it and how to spend it. Players on the court, besides having shot-making skills, must have good decision-making skills as well. This…

Free Tennis Clinics at Cottonwood Begin in October

Penny Petersen For years, Cottonwood Tennis Club sponsored free lessons for beginners and others who wanted to work on their game. Last year, the lessons were canceled early in the season due to COVID-19 and then reinstated later in the year. This year, the lessons will begin on Monday, Oct. 11. The idea of the…

Tips from Our Tennis Pro Kwong Young

Kwong Young, USPTA Tennis Professional Before a pitcher pitches, before a golfer swings, or a bowler releases the ball, all of these athletes perform one major thing. They all look at their intended target. The same goes for tennis. Before the server serves, they look at their opponent as well as the service box to…

Celebrating the Fourth of July with Tennis and Pancakes

Sporting red, white, and blue, a crowd of 55 IronOaks Tennis Club (IOTC) members celebrated the Fourth of July with fun social tennis followed by a delicious breakfast of pancakes, sausage, fruit, and mimosas. Thanks to the committee members who organized this great event! Interested in joining the fun and becoming an IOTC member? Stop…

Cottonwood Tennis Elects New Board Members

Penny Petersen In March, members of the Cottonwood Tennis Club elected a new board of directors to steer the club through March of 2022. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of the activities for the 2020 and early 2021 seasons were canceled. However, the Monday through Friday daily sign-ups continued, as well as several leagues, including the…

Cottonwood Tennis Club Reviews Unusual Season

Penny Petersen The 2020-21 tennis season? Unusual! The best one can say is that playing for one and a half hours a few times a week probably saved us from going stark raving mad. We missed the tournaments and the socials. It seemed as if the world stopped, and a few hours of tennis was our…

Coach Kwong’s Tip of the Month

Coach Kwong Throughout our education from grade school through college, we learned through books and the help and guidance from our teachers. You probably still remember an impactful lesson shared by a mentor. They all wanted the best for their students, and it was up to us to take responsibility—do our assignments, study, learn, and…

Len Paulson Is on Top of the World at 90

Len Paulson

Carole Rockland What do you give an avid tennis player who’s turning 90? If you’re Len Paulson’s daughters, you give him a trip to the Wilson World Tennis Classic in Palm Desert, Calif. Len, a member of the IronOaks Tennis Club for over 20 years, repaid their generosity by winning three straight matches, achieving first…

Tennis Singles Event at Cottonwood

Penny Petersen Ralph Howland was quick to say that all the fun singles matches going on during April were “not sanctioned or endorsed or anything by CTC. I just saw that Dean Sinerius had gotten some guys together for singles, and it looked like fun.” He agreed to be the organizer, and Ken Nelson did…

IOTC Celebrates Independence Day

Carol Mellinger, Betty Sanders, and Judy Gahide are ready to flip pancakes!

Carole Rockland IronOaks Tennis Club invites all members to join in the celebration of Independence Day weekend with pancakes and tennis. This traditional event will be held on Saturday, July 3, at 7:30 a.m. The morning will begin with a few rounds of social tennis, followed by delicious member-prepared pancakes, sausage, fruit, coffee, and juice,…