Tag: tennis

Tennis Tip from Coach Kwong Young

Coach Kwong Young Athletes such as Stephan Curry, Michael Phelps, Tom Brady, and Serena Williams are top competitors in their sport. They all have one major thing in common—mental toughness. Without mental toughness, one cannot be successful in the sports world. Whether you are on the court, the playing field, or in the workplace, you…

CTC Monday Women’s Extended Spring League

Toni Reider This spring at Cottonwood Tennis Club, the ladies played in the yearly Extended League, which ran two weeks longer (nine weeks), beginning March 21 through May 16. We had a lot of interest and enthusiasm with a roster of 18 ladies, including Adriana Michael, Susan Aparicio, Gwen Lucas, Maryann Sinerius (club president), Ollie…

Another Win for IronOaks Tennis

The IronOaks Tennis Club 65+ Ladies 7.0 USTA tennis team recently won their playoffs and earned the honor of moving on to Sectionals in December. This win was especially important to the team, since they lost their longtime captain Sue Davidson who passed away suddenly in December. The team all agreed, “This one’s for Sue!”…

May Free Tennis Clinics a Big Success

Penny Petersen For the first time, Cottonwood Tennis Club offered a series of Summer Tennis Clinics on Monday evenings (June 6, 13, and 20) from 7 to 8 p.m. The clinics were for intermediate players and focused on intermediate play to help improve players in the following areas: improve ground strokes, improve net skills and…

CTC Wednesday Women’s League Announces Winners

Cottonwood Tennis Club’s Wednesday League completed their spring and summer competitions and announced the winners. There will be no leagues again until fall. There was a luncheon after the finals, and the group gave a gift to retiring league director Marie Hargus. Winners: First place Donna Nelson, second place Mary Ann Rice, third place Pat…

IronOaks Tennis Clubs Crowns Mixed Doubles Champs

Twelve teams recently competed in three divisions to claim the title of IOTC 2022 Mixed Doubles champs. The competition was very intense, with many matches decided by tie-breakers. The winners were as follows: Division 4.0: First place: Barb Jorgensen and Craig Twitchell Second place: Cathy Coin and Bob Lynne Division 3.5/1: First place: Diane James…

OOPS! Apology to CTC—Your Publicity Chair Screwed Up

Penny Petersen Cottonwood’s Mixed Doubles Tournament was one of the best this season. It began on Sunday, Feb. 6, and play concluded on Saturday, Feb. 12. A report on the winners was in the March Splash. But one thing was wrong. The captions under two of the three photos were incorrect. Due to unclear directions…