Tag: DAR

DAR Flag Retirement Ceremony on April 2

Please join the Gila Butte Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) on Saturday, April 2, at 1 p.m., for a Flag Burning Ceremony at The American Legion Hall, Post 35, led by Commander Charlie Lang at 2240 W. Chandler Road at Dobson. According to the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, “The flag,…

The Burrowing Owls Are Back

Gwen Grace The Desert Rivers Audubon Society (DRAS) has resumed the monthly Burrowing Owl Walks. The fourth Saturday of each month at sundown, the burrowing owls venture out to catch dinner. This event is due to a new and exciting partnership with Arizona State University! Join us from 5 p.m. through sunset to see the…

DAR: The Story Behind the Info

Deborah Goodacre Hello everyone, and hello February! I frequently hear genealogists say that no one in their family is interested in the information they have amassed. Yes, pedigree charts and family group sheets can be a little dry, almost as dry as all those old photos we have inherited over the years. But it can…

Daughters of the American Revolution—Supporting Students

Deborah Goodacre Sometimes we have to talk business! The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution tenets include service, historic preservation, education, and patriotism. Let’s talk education for a few minutes. Many people do not know that various scholarships are available to students through the state and national committees. National endowments from wills and trusts…

DAR and National Observances

Deborah Goodacre Did you know the marble for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier came from the Yule quarry in Colorado, approximately an hour from Aspen, where the elevation is close to 8,000 feet? It was quarried by the Vermont Marble Company. The completed tomb is three levels in height. DAR daughter Alma Krieger, Anasazi…

DAR Spotlight: Gila Butte Member Delphine Thomas

Deborah Goodacre This is the story of the Clark family, a family that reaches back to the Great Migration in which Puritan families fled England, seeking religious freedom. It is indeed rare to be able to research and prove one’s line of ancestry back to the Mayflower with detailed and accurate information; however, Delphine and…

DAR: Yearly Line-Up

Deborah Goodacre The Gila Butte Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is in full swing with our mid-September meeting featuring a Committee Fair. DAR performs community, national, and international services through numerous committees. Our members will have the opportunity to join in the work and fun. In October, we celebrate the American Heritage show and…

DAR Spotlight: Member Lesley Baran

Deborah Goodacre In recent articles I have written about the origins of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and about our country’s history. This month I would like to feature Lesley Baran of our Gila Butte chapter, who has been a member of the DAR for more than 30 years. However, Lesley’s husband Bill…