Tag: softball

Lady Sluggers Ready to Take the Field

Larry Wolfe Our Lady Sluggers senior softball team is scheduled to open its season the first week of January. As of press time, the Sluggers were slated to play every Monday in January and February at the Field of Dreams. Games start at noon. The Sluggers play in the Valley of the Sun League. Given…

We’re Ready for the Winter Softball Season

Gene Granquist is shown pitching in a recent Lakes Division game. Shortstop Dave Martin is ready for action. (Photo courtesy of Alyssa Chapman Studios)

Larry Wolfe Isn’t it great to live in a place where you can use “winter” and “softball” in the same sentence? While our northern brethren are shoveling snow, here in Sun Lakes, it’s business as usual at the Field of Dreams. At the press deadline, we still had a week to go in the Fall…

Softball Player Profile: Vern Rodgers

Vern Rodgers

Larry Wolfe Remember the Beach Boys’ 1964 classic, number one hit song “I Get Around”? Well, that phrase could also describe Vern Rodgers’ work career. A native of Quincy, Mich., Vern attended Glen Oaks Community College and Western Michigan University before beginning his vocational odyssey. Vern first joined the Kroger Company in Coldwater, Mich., and…

Softball Player Profile: Thom Stephens

Larry Wolfe Ask any of the guys at the Field of Dreams to describe Thom Stephens, and the most likely responses are, “really good player” and “really nice guy.” Thom’s probably prouder of the latter. A Santa Clara, Calif., native, Thom graduated from Buchser High where he played both varsity baseball and basketball for the…

Fall Softball Is Underway

A "drone shot" from a recent Sun Division game: Brenden Financial vs. Leckner Realty (Courtesy of SkyView Digital Media, Alysa Chapman, Principal)

Larry Wolfe At press time, we’d just finished the first two weeks of the Fall Season. In the Lakes Division, the Core Photography and Wolfe & Associates-sponsored teams were both at 4-2. The A-1 Golf Carts team had a .500 record at 3-3, while the Young Realty Team lagged at 1-5. Steve Schaider got off…

It’s Time for Fall Ball!

From one of the Spring Season's last games: batter Frank Rouse, catcher Larry Maggerd, and umpire Ken Brenden (Courtesy of Image Makers Photoshop)

Larry Wolfe We finally heard those two words we’ve been waiting to hear for months: “Play Ball!” After our Spring Season was shut down in mid-March due to COVID-19, and our summer season was canceled in its entirety, it was great to get the competitive juices flowing again! Our fall season opened on Oct. 27…

Why’s It Called Softball?

New manager Mike Otman is in the spotlight; Mike at first base during the spring season. (Photo courtesy of Just Shoot Me Photos)

Larry Wolfe If you’ve ever played the game and been hit by a line drive or errant throw, you might wonder why the ball is called a softball—it’s hard as a rock! Well, to answer that question, we have to go back to the game’s founding in 1887. George Hancock, a reporter for the Chicago…

Sun Lakes Softball Is 35!

Ronnie Pennington pitching in a recent physically-distanced pick-up game at the Field of Dreams (Photo courtesy of Pitcher Perfect Photoshop)

Larry Wolfe Thirty-five years ago, in September 1985, Jack Lander of Cottonwood put a notice in the Sun Lakes Splash newspaper requesting that anyone interested in participating in a senior softball program should meet up in a Cottonwood meeting room at a time and date lost in the annals of history. About a dozen guys showed up,…

Softball Alternative to COVID

Rick "The Greyhound" Oien rounds second. Is he faster than Chuck "The Cheetah" Schaan? (Photo by Larry's Lensmen)

Larry Wolfe The term COVID has, unfortunately, entered the lexicon of our everyday language. It, of course, isn’t a “real word,” but a contraction for COrona VIrus Disease. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could substitute softball terms for C-O-V-I-D? How about this: The batter Crushed a long fly ball, hoping for a home run,…

Softball Stats for Traditionalists

Record-setter and league leader Reyes Gonzales (Photo courtesy of Mug Shot Studios)

Larry Wolfe Why do most baseball and softball fans and players love statistics? It’s probably because stats give the game historical context and allow for the comparison of various accomplishments from the past to the present. They also are used to measure the performance of each player versus others on his team and in his…